Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] [adv prt] into [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Its heroes do not characteristically commit suicide or ride off into the sunset : they settle down , marry , and make comfortable and elaborate treaties with the world they live in .
2 If you tend to throw things , put objects away or go out into the garden .
3 Stay out here or go back into the classroom , she did n't want to be found out there if by any chance Miss Graining the Head came by .
4 Young people who have completed GCSEs at 16 can choose whether to stay on at school or college , or come out into the labour market and , possibly , take an entitlement to YT .
5 We carried on for a few more yards , then retraced our steps down to the main level and back out into the sunshine .
6 I open the throttle a bit and head out into the sound , where the tide flows strongly and it is a favoured feeding place for auks .
7 Descend and head back into the forest going south-west then south to post 21 .
8 I take a deep breath and head back into the eye of the storm , careening down side-streets when police barricades and fire hoses block the main avenues .
9 Should any other fishermen ignore the warning of Hooper and sail out into the weather , they could find themselves drawn inexorably back to shore , even against the tide .
10 With any luck I 'd have time to dry my hair and dive back into the satin whatsits before he arrived .
11 Not to mention every day of the week when you climb on that evil machine and ride off into the sunset ! ’
12 So , I 'll now lift up the the curtain and look out into the street and see if there is any sign of them .
13 In other words , the speaker can read his speech and look out into the audience at the same time .
14 So it 's very easy for bacteria , which are always present around the anus , to reach the usually bacteria-free urethra and travel up into the bladder where they multiply and irritate the bladder lining .
15 The horses lose interest and sashay off into the night .
16 Despite the older officers ' complaints , the level of job satisfaction — when they can set aside the paperwork and get out into the field — is high ( cf.
17 Colour another third of the fondant grey ( using a tiny amount of black food colouring ) , and roll out into a circle about 25cm ( 10inches ) in diameter .
18 Other people follow suit and surge out into the space enclosed by the crowd .
19 But it was the ideal stuff to lay up against the sides of the hole and tramp down into the base , where it soaked up water like a loofah .
20 I turn round and go back into the station .
21 I do n't want to ring the bell on myself and go back into the classroom just yet . ’
22 About ten minutes later , we decide we 've cooled down sufficiently to be able to leave the men 's room and go back into the restaurant .
23 We dress up like bit-part players in an epic on Scott and go out into the night where the air bites clean and deep , and the snow crunches in that beautiful cold way .
24 The strange thing was that it did not occur to her then to follow the Way Out signs , leave the station and go out into the street where a taxi could be found .
25 So at baptism , the new Christian would be immersed and go down into the river or the immersion font in Burmese skirt and coat , and on emerging from the water be clothed with the three garments of a Burmese monk , only white in colour instead of saffron , this signing acceptance as a mature member of the religious community and the cleansing from sin .
26 The novelist and his wife cross themselves again and turn back into the night .
27 What is apt to happen when we strike a solid is that a whole series of stress waves radiate from the point of impact and move off into the body of the material .
28 I shut the window and move back into the room .
29 Hearing what sounded like a muttered exclamation of fury at her elbow , Melissa looked around and saw Dora turn on her heel and march off into the orchard , where she stopped under an apple tree and stared up into the branches as if inspecting its heavy crop of fruit .
30 It was odd really , Gaily decided , on the way home , odd how easy it had been , how he 'd seemed to fit there without too much trouble , and settle down into a way of talking , and acting without any strain .
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