Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] [adv prt] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The spiritual resources of patients can do a great deal to help in their recovery or bring about a peaceful death .
2 Many of the difficulties children get into as they begin to explore the immediate environment of their home happen because they do not know enough to realize what will occur if they , for example , put their hands in a rose bush or pick up a shining splinter of glass .
3 You might want to add to a set of chairs that you already possess , or make up a matching chair to one at home .
4 Do n't be afraid to open up uncharted areas or kick down a few fences .
5 You can do this on Midland machines simply by pressing the appropriate button , And in some of our branches there are machines where you can use your card to see details of the last few account transactions or print out a short-form statement .
6 Reports by the United Nations and Amnesty International detailed human rights abuses under the regime , one citing 14,000 cases of execution or torture over a six-year period .
7 Many people find that they return to the same company over and over again , or take up a permanent job offer at a place they have been working for a while .
8 The expansion you will face in 1993 could well be on the creative front , making this an ideal year to go into production or take on a major commitment .
9 But if your works pension is contracted out of SERPS , then you can either be a member of your works pension scheme OR take out a personal pension — but not both .
10 Or phone up a cheerful friend who always makes you laugh .
11 This allowed us to line the side curtains in striped fabric and make up a flat roof instead of a gathered one .
12 Clear away topsoil and make up a simple formwork of timber supported by pegs set on the outside .
13 Erm so do you feel that in the years that you 've worked here are women just as important in the factory and make up a large part of the workforce now as they , as they 've ever done ?
14 When the children arrive you give them each a balloon and make up a convenient number of teams .
15 It was typical of the thoroughness of his approach that he immediately decided to visit sixteen gaols in nearby counties so that he could gauge the extent of the evil , look for alternative solutions and make out a proper case for reform .
16 And obviously that you can do , but it takes time , it 's quicker just to walk into a travel agent and pick up a cheap bargain .
17 Now I lean forward and pick up a dead bird whose wings sag open like a fan or like the streets of Berlin under their cam nets .
18 In the immediate aftermath of the plague , neither combatant was anxious to resume the war , and both were willing to listen to Pope Innocent VI when he attempted to mediate between them and bring about a lasting peace .
19 But in Italy at the same time both foreign and native composers were developing forms of secular polyphony which later in the century were to spread over most of Europe and bring about a remarkable expansion of music 's technical resources in the regions of harmony and tonality and in emotional and pictorial expressiveness .
20 At forty-five years of age he was at the height of his powers , determined to drive out the Almoravids and bring about a united Spain .
21 The forces that we are dealing with are so far removed from what we regard as the material world that they will completely revolutionize physics and philosophy and bring about a profound change in humanity 's perception of reality .
22 As a result you should fell good enough to communicate your way through whatever problem presents itself , and bring about a fast resolution .
23 I asked for one ticket and paid for it , then I watched him ask for the same and fish down inside his carrier bag and bring out a ten pound note .
24 He did say that by concentrating on types of labourers , and learning from the studies of life he admired so much in work by Gavarni , Daumier , Dore , De Groux , and Rops , he hoped one day to produce acceptable illustrations for the magazines and newspapers , and bring in a small income .
25 We are moving towards a position where JAA will probably receive and settle invoices from each national authority and send out a single invoice to the applicant .
26 Add 15ml ( 1tbsp ) water and cook over a gentle heat until the jam has melted .
27 Heat the oil in a large casserole dish or saucepan , add the onion , cover and cook over a moderate heat until softened and transparent , about 5min .
28 Stir the leek purée into the butter and cook over a moderate heat until warmed through .
29 Heat the oil in a large heavy pan , add the bacon or ham , onion , carrot and celery and cook over a moderate heat for about 10min , until lightly browned and well softened .
30 Heat the oil in a large saucepan , add the onion and garlic , cover and cook over a moderate heat until the vegetables are soft , in about 3–4min .
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