Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] [to-vb] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The adoral shields are large with lateral projections making them appear wing-like ; they separate or appear to separate the oral shield from the first lateral arm plate .
2 That is because later generations do not wish to follow their parents into physically demanding , socially unacceptable or otherwise disagreeable occupations ; they escape or seek to escape the heavy lifting to a more comfortable and rewarding life .
3 This idea is used in an electronic clock or watch to produce the 1 second pulses for the display .
4 Whenever they reached one of these rifts the rabbits huddled together , waiting for Hazel or Bigwig to climb the further side and find a way forward .
5 Should you , for the screen , attempt to find some equivalent visual pastiche or try to carry the original concept through dialogue ?
6 Such human needs will range from the basic ones for security , which are threatened when other members of an organization wish to close part of the operation down or attempt to perform the same operations with fewer personnel , to the need for self-realization , which may be threatened by extreme specialization and limited capabilities within the division of labour perceived by those in authority to be necessary for the maximization of their objectives ( which will invariably be presented as the goals of ‘ the organization ’ ) .
7 The case has been made that neutralisation is potentially attractive only to relatively minor states that by virtue of their strategic position or symbolic political value have become or threaten to become the focal points of contests for control or dominant influence between principal regional or global rivals .
8 Both have washed rinds and a firm texture and tend to have the washed rind garage-cheese smell , as described in the section on soft cheeses ( p69 ) .
9 Cash crops are always ‘ extractive ’ and tend to lower the overall fertility of the farm .
10 The beautiful ones wear ornate regional head-dresses , chime bells and yodel to welcome the New Year , while nature mummers appear in costumes of pine-cones , moss and snail shells .
11 It is not a good model for human relations , and some of the people who are aflame with political zeal and want to put the entire world to rights are in fact hell to live with .
12 And you put up with his way of making decisions for you , even if , one day , you wake up and want to wear the green skirt he hates , watch Morse which he ca n't stand …
13 In turn , clients ' expectations are growing ; they are more informed , more knowledgeable about the process , much more likely to adopt an open style , and want to know the key facts , expecting a high level of overall professionalism .
14 Because personal power is the promotion of self , we send positive data on ourselves up the hierarchy and forget to send the negative data — that is , we tell our superiors how good we are .
15 What we can not do is ask questions about sub-areas of the cerebral cortex , for example the striate cortex of primates , and expect to get the same answers from studies on different groups .
16 Fold the excess lining pastry over the lid and press to seal the two layers of pastry together .
17 In short , distance from the equator , winds , lay-out and height of continents , soil chemistry , past history , animals , plants , human history , and time and chance combine and interact to produce the particular set of conditions in any one place .
18 Married since college , they run a highly successful advertising business and appear to have the perfect marriage .
19 What we are left with is a disagreeable story tinged with Joe Orton 's misogyny and urge to puncture the frail facade of petit bourgeois respectability .
20 The flying club and bar offers a friendly greeting and place to pay the small landing fee .
21 Cleveland police have studied the Derby operation and hope to use the same type of scheme .
22 It would be a mad gamble of course , to launch an invasion from a European port and hope to evade the British fleet .
23 It is essential that alternative accommodation should be very varied in type and support to give the greatest degree of independence to patients commensurate with their disabilities and to enable adjustments to be made in small steps .
24 [ On ] our hypothesis the ego instincts arise from the coming to life of inanimate matter and seek to restore the inanimate state .
25 But he insisted that there was no alternative if Hungary was to gain the confidence of the international credit institutions and seek to heal the economic crisis .
26 How can the right hon. Gentleman stand at the Dispatch Box and seek to justify the untrammelled entry of coal imports into Britain , which is flinging thousands of miners out of work and at the same time digging a hole for the economic morass in our balance of payments ?
27 Sophisticated systems incorporate audible and visual signals to warn of product exhaustion , or malfunction , and interlock to prevent the wrong product being fitted .
28 These concentrations always present a clear decrease however and seem to contradict the apparent lack of a mutant phenotype .
29 Recently-hatched dogwhelks ( plate 1b ) are found at the same level as their capsules and seem to prefer the empty cases of barnacles to the shells of living or dead mussels .
30 It was one thing to form an intention to compete while employed , but quite another to take active steps to induce other managers to join the competing enterprise and negotiate to deprive the employing company of its best customer .
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