Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is extremely important that you press more pieces from the bouquet than you think you will need , as some of the plant material may turn brown in the press or emerge pressed into the wrong shape .
2 or stay put in the icy brine .
3 This chapter will follow up this theme , and remain focused at the local level .
4 They 're the vital signs you 've got to display before you go and get treated under the new Health Service .
5 Louise took a couple of inches off Clare 's hair to tidy it up and get rid of the split ends .
6 So all I 'm saying is try and get rid of the whole not your tablets will finish up about Saturday or Sunday .
7 When it is difficult for the family or the child to attach themselves to each other , then at the end of the day the child will leave the family and become attached to the black community .
8 Freeze until solid and serve sprinkled with the reserved praline .
9 In Fig. 6.7 therefore , a choice has to be made at the top of the tree between so and sew based on the transitional probability scores to the following words a and I .
10 It is magazines such as The Face , i-D , Blitz and Arena which have been engaging with football culture and have succumbed to the Latin promise of theatre , spectacle and carnival .
11 The typical appellate judge will be at least 60 years of age , white , male and educated at public school and at Oxford or Cambridge and have lived in the insular world of the Bar for more than 30 years .
12 Above all , they have emphasised the need for higher expectations from society as a whole about what disabled people can achieve , and have argued for the necessary resources to be devoted to helping them achieve them .
13 Low-end PC makers can and have shrugged off the three-month delay imposed on the P5 .
14 The opposition New Progressive Party ( PNP ) claimed that victory for the government would have strained relations with the USA and have led to the possible loss of student scholarships and federal food aid .
15 The argument was over Zack 's decision to close with the negotiator called Quinn and have done with the whole thing at two million dollars ransom .
16 Erm , on entertainment , we 're spending a lot of money on organic growth and have done over the past two or three years and er , it 's very well spent but again , we 're growing our businesses , erm , er , rather than acquiring them .
17 Kontrax Holdings Ltd , Kontrax Telecom Plc and Kontrax Office Systems Plc have accumulated short term debts totalling $53m and have called in the financial consultants Banker RT to manage discussions with their two main creditors , the Hungarian Credit Bank and Postabank .
18 I have corrected the final marking to what I consider a more just assessment and have spoken to the senior biologist about the personnel management in his department .
19 Besiktas are coached by ex-Liverpool midfielder Gordon Milne and have qualified for the European Cup Winners ' Cup .
20 Representatives from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees have been struggling to cope with the flood of refugees and have appealed to the international community to step up relief .
21 Now these two Dutchmen have captured every Milanese heart and soul with their easy-going charm , their willingness to speak , eat and play Italian and have thrown in the odd spectacular goal or two too .
22 But hope faded after the wrecked hull of their 27-ft vessel , the Peganina , was spotted .
23 Please for god 's sake stop playing Fairclough at the back — the defence is a shambles when he 's there — quite honestly I 'm getting pretty pissed off with Wilko — i know we 've had a long unbeaten run and we 're still second and he 's won us the championship etc etc and this is defenitely over reaction to last night but get rid of the fucking bastard and find us someone who 'll pick teams that can beat the Norwich 's and Man Utd7s of the league or we 'll be perenial mid table finishers .
24 ( iv ) As autumn progresses and temperatures fall an increasing proportion ( up to 80% ) of the L3 ingested do not mature but become inhibited at the early fourth larval stage ( EL4 ) .
25 ‘ Throughout , they have not only protested their innocence , but have co-operated with the investigating authority , confident that their names would be cleared .
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