Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] [vb pp] [adv] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Researchers in the adult literacy campaigns in England have devoted considerable attention to these features of writing and have pointed out the possible practical consequences of imprecise layouts and unconsidered presentation of text .
2 Although they have worked as a duo since 1987 and have built up a great following throughout these islands and abroad , their respective musical experiences go back much further .
3 ‘ I 've had six years experience in this market and have built up a high personal profile among clients , ’ he explains .
4 Manufacturers and packagers have arranged to pick up transport wrappings from retailers and have set up a parallel waste-collection scheme , called the ‘ Duales System Deutscheland ’ , ( DSD ) which picks up recyclable packaging from households and returns it to the manufacturers .
5 people have generally liked the campaign and have taken out the desired messages .
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