Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] [pron] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If it 's too hot , use gloves or push it over with a spade and lift the other end up so now the holes that were in the bottom are now on top and there is smoke coming out of them .
2 Chris Wolley emerged as a great choir leader and guitar player at this period and his strident voice leading the crew seemed to calm the roughest sea or cheer us up at the right moment .
3 ‘ Well , I really ought to give them to her personally , or send them back to the bank .
4 ‘ She said I 'd have to pay the full amount or put it back in the freezer , ’ said Mr Parker , of York .
5 It was either that or dump herself on to the perch in a heap , having given up the struggle , and she was much too graceful and proud to let something as undignified as that happen .
6 I would send it swooping over and under hers , or dive it down to the sands while I stood on a dune cliff , pulling the kite down to nick tall towers of sand I 'd built , then pulling up again , the kite trailing a spray of sand through the air from the collapsing tower .
7 Or drop them in at the Northern Echo offices in Northallerton and Darlington .
8 Some skip the tight fantastic by using them as a jumping rope , others wear them as a scarf or string them up in the garden as a washing line .
9 really , your pipes should be levels , should go I drape my pipe over it if I do it , or hang it up at the back .
10 He began to speak out loud over the sound of the copious running water ; he congratulated himself for not crying in public , he congratulated himself for not getting hurt , for not letting himself be assaulted on the way home , for not letting anyone corner him or get him down on the floor or up against a wall but for keeping walking instead .
11 Keep the test papers safe or pass them on to the class teacher ( or the student ) so that weak areas can be diagnosed .
12 Can you eliminate some of the administration — or pass it on to the administrators — thereby releasing your time for more profitable activities ?
13 ‘ I know , ’ Cleg 's big hand covered hers , ‘ but , for your own sake , send your cousin packing or marry him out of the way , then no-one will have room to talk . ’
14 The other alternatives were to shoot the plane down before it landed or blow it up on the ground at Teheran airport when all the Imam 's followers had come forward to welcome him .
15 The registrar may refer any matter to the judge that he thinks should properly be decided by the judge , and the judge can either dispose of the matter or refer it back to the registrar ( r 7.6(3) ) .
16 New evidence is not usually heard , but if it is material and could not reasonably have been heard by the Panel the Committee may hear it or refer it back to the Panel .
17 Depending on the obstructions you find , you could site the building exactly alongside the house , bring it forward of the building line ( if the planners will allow this — see later ) , or set it back into the garden .
18 I 'll have it out of him or turn him over to the press gang .
19 Practise makes perfect , so use them when you 're wanking or try them out on a vibrator , dildo or anything that 's about the right shape .
20 Heseltine needs Thatcher to do the decent thing and step down this summer , or invite him back into the cabinet .
21 Fit your car with a catalytic converter , if possible , or trade it in for a new model — cars made after 1993 must have them .
22 Once the core units are engaged you can pile in alongside them or form them up beside the core units to block enemy attacks from the sides .
23 He 'd hoped that it meant no more than that she was growing up and had become aware of herself as a young woman ; that as a consequence it was not quite the done thing for her to rush across a room and hug him like a kid sister , or trip him up in the haybarn and fling herself on top of him like a puppy spoiling for a game .
24 You should remove the cichlids as soon as possible and transfer them to a separate tank which is set-up specifically for African cichlids , or take them back to the place you bought them .
25 If Kelly could see her now she 'd throw up her hands in horror and drag her off to the nearest restaurant to order the biggest meal on the menu .
26 At least now he 's surrounded by people who encourage and inspire him , who kick his arse , help him write songs and drag him out of the isolated , uncreative lethargy he easily slips into .
27 I was sweating , you could imagine thinking God we 're going to have to take the wheels off and drag it through with a tractor or something like that on skids , cos we needed the van for Monday and there was n't going to be a lot of t But then suddenly yes a again I suddenly th
28 So this poor woman is er anaesthetized , intubated , which is when they put the tube down the throat and connect you up to the life-support machine , and then she 's supposed to be being maintained in her unconscious state with inhalation anaesthesia , in other words they give her er gas and air to breathe to keep her unconscious .
29 Once you 've chosen your lights and bought the transformer and cable , all you have to do is position the lights , run the cable to them , and connect it back to the transformer terminals .
30 Once you 're satisfied that your spur socket wo n't result in the circuit serving too large a floor area , and you 've identified the socket as one from which you can run a spur , all you have to do is install your new socket where it 's needed , run the spur cable back to the socket that will feed it , and connect it in to the socket terminals .
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