Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ … the innocent party is not bound to go on the market and buy or sell at the date of the breach .
2 or sit in the seat of mockers .
3 Adolescents are very sensitive about pretence , hypocrisy or deceit on the part of their parents .
4 Others are not reported because of embarrassment or fear on the part of the victim ( rape , domestic assaults ) , or because he or she thinks that there is little the police can do about it ( vandalism , shoplifting ) , or that the offence is not very serious anyway , or that there is no unwilling victim ( drug abuse , soliciting , under-age sex ) .
5 Unable to hold the stage in any other way he set out to organise a ‘ popular demand ’ for immediate independence without trusteeship , and having succeeded beyond his expectations now finds himself in the position of having to deliver the goods or recede from the front of the political stage and lose all hope of fulfilling his personal ambitions .
6 In 1984 , it became common for bail conditions , following arrests during the strike , to require those charged not to visit any premises or place for the purpose of picketing or demonstrating in connection with the current trade dispute between the NUM and the National Coal Board other than peacefully to picket or demonstrate at their usual place of employment .
7 Either wash in soapy detergent or place in the dishwasher in the normal way .
8 Oh , I felt tempted to wander , to spend one day , one night in my old haunts or slip across the river to the stews and brothels of Southwark but Benjamin insisted I follow my own advice .
9 The High Court or an election court ( constituted and functioning in accordance with Parts III and IV of the 1983 Act ) may , on the presentation of an election petition by an interested party ( a voter , a ‘ defeated ’ candidate ) , declare a seat vacant , or provide for the return of another candidate in prescribed circumstances , where there has been irregularity in the conduct of the election campaign or where the ‘ successful ’ candidate is not qualified .
10 Parliament can discriminate on grounds of sex or religion ; or provide for the taking of life with impunity ; or detain without trial ; or prohibit marriage .
11 No one can take the 20-minute boat trip or fly to the airstrip without police permits which are hard to obtain .
12 The cover now being granted is far wider in that the exclusion relates only to damage caused by application of any tool or process to the part in the course of maintenance .
13 There is little or no sense of diachrony or process in the work of Barthes or Lévi-Strauss .
14 ( It is n't relevant whether the creators live or die at the end of ‘ The Food of the Gods ’ ) .
15 It , too , displaced a society whose individuals were healthier but less numerous — the archaeological and anthropological evidence suggests that hunters lead longer , healthier and happier lives than farmers , at least than the sort of farmers who live or die by the sweat of their brows .
16 Branches should refer to HO Home Claims & Support in the event of difficulty or where further guidance is required .
17 Sit at the bar or relax by the pool on the stunning roof-top terrace of the Villa Franca and below the village of Positano stretches downwards to the shoreline — the most marvellous sight .
18 This might prevent the integration process ( Figure 2.2 ) or interfere with the copying of integrated DNA into the messenger RNA molecules that are used to direct protein synthesis ( Figure 2.3 ) .
19 6 Light Full right of liberty at any time after the date of this Lease to alter or to erect new structures within or adjoining the Centre ( such expression here excluding the Premises ) in such manner as the Landlord shall think fit notwithstanding the fact that the same may obstruct affect or interfere with the amenity of or access to the Premises or the passage of light and air to the Premises It may be as well to include the words in parenthesis to remove any suggestion that the landlord may have the right to alter the premises .
20 The other point to consider is that any interference with the light and air to the premises could adversely affect the tenant 's business and the tenant should consider the latter part of this paragraph being amended as follows : provided that the same shall not [ materially ] obstruct affect or interfere with the amenity of or access to the Premises or the passage of light and air to the Premises
21 A must have knowledge of the contract between B and C or act with the intention of bringing about a breach of it .
22 4.27 All employees in day or residential establishments should know and have easy access to telephone numbers which can be used to summon help or support in the event of difficulty .
23 Some people who sleep alone read , do a crossword , or listen to the radio for a while .
24 The period in question was one of make or break for the conservation of Rome 's antiquities , and this book explores in satisfying depth the activities , notably of the French , in saving them .
25 I suggest the failure to deal with the problems posed by mass car use — because that is what transport problems , whether pollution , congestion , ‘ accidents ’ , or decline in the possibility of a real public transport system are due to — is both symbolic of , and central to , the bankruptcy of Labourist ideology .
26 Another says : ‘ I pray best when I sit before the Blessed Sacrament , or look at the Crucifix without saying anything — just being with the Lord . ’
27 To find out about Alexander Technique classes or workshops , ask your local-education authority for details , search your local ‘ what 's on ’ in the newspaper or look at the noticeboard in your library .
28 And if you still have time to spare you can spend a weekend in Andorra ( beautiful and taxfree ) or jump on the train to Sitges or the Costa Brava .
29 The Hague Rules ' fire defence was changed to place liability on the carrier for fault or neglect in the causation of a fire or in measures to extinguish the fire .
30 or stand in the way of sinners
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