Example sentences of "[coord] [noun prp] look [prep] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And William looked at him with an odd expression , and at first Preston thought he really did n't remember or was pretending he did n't , but then he smiled , even more oddly , and said , ‘ The Devil . ’
2 As the two girls entered , a man rose from a deep armchair , and Sophie looked at him with interest .
3 Visiting players , Raimundo , the grooms and Alejandro looked at her with ill-concealed lust , but her dead-pan hauteur and Señor Gracias ' large , looming presence kept them at bay .
4 Maximilian said , and Edward looked at him with interest and regard for the first time .
5 Just over five minutes later she had taken the tablet and Felipe was pouring her a cup of tea , and Maggie looked at him in amusement .
6 There were several kinds with onion , ham , asparagus , spinach and mushroom , and Maggie looked at them with glee .
7 He spun round and walked off and Maggie looked after him in dismay .
8 Ilbrec was silent at that , and Ruth looked at him with a quick tightening of anxiety .
9 Is Nana and Del looking after you on Saturday ?
10 I could see I could see Li er Charlie and Pete looking at me from the other side of the room , Charlie smiled and I just did I just went like that , you know ?
11 As he walked away into the crowd , Adam muttered a particularly earthy curse beneath his breath , and Rory looked at him in amazement .
12 The contempt was less concealed now , and Alyssia looked at him with loathing .
13 Infected by his laughter the wife of the younger mandarin smiled , and Joseph looked at her for the first time .
14 He tweaked the boy 's ear and Oliver looked at him with love .
15 His eyes were on her lips and Jenna looked at him with wide , worried eyes .
16 ‘ 'Sweet lovers love the Spring ’ , ’ John murmured , and Anne looked at him with surprise and delight .
17 It was a very ill-ordered household , Mary and Claire looking after it between them in a slapdash way .
18 And Nicholas looked at her with his childish , bovine-eyed face and said , ‘ You would think so , but no .
19 But Tod looked at it with real feeling , with the dull heat of-I do n't know thwarted love .
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