Example sentences of "[coord] [noun prp] [adv] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In addition to the famous Moet label Moet & Chandon also offer the superb " Dom Perignon " , and the popular Mercier brands .
2 The fact that he 's not pin-up material like Bolton and does not quite have the same vocal dexterity as either Bolton or Richie probably has a significant bearing on his lack of success in Europe .
3 Miki & Chris eagerly gulped the resulting mess down , but it was all too much for WILLIAM REID of the MARY CHAIN , who bottled out altogether .
4 Thompson & Morgan also has a new annual from America , Nemophila ‘ Pennie Black ’ , which has almost-black flowers with scalloped , silvery-white edges .
5 Martyn and Allestry also produced the first ‘ scientific ’ journal , the Philosophical Transactions , edited by Henry Oldenburg [ q.v. ] , which became by far the most important international forum for natural philosophy and eventually the official journal of the Royal Society .
6 Noir and Dubernard both won the second-round run-offs .
7 Vico and Rousseau simply took the biblical imagery one step further back to a pre-Adamite , non-rational , world of peace and innocence .
8 John Scales never played for us though he was from Leeds , and Seaman never had a senior game for us though he was a trainee .
9 The stone-floored basement was converted into a huge , communal changing room , one of the first of its kind , and Bernard thoughtfully provided a large leather armchair for bored husbands or partners .
10 At the end of the night , the luck was with the opposition , but Roy and Judy still had a good night out .
11 And NCR also introduced a new version of its System 3450 server .
12 United and Iliffe alone had no national press interests .
13 Jackie and Hill then did a one-two at the Glen , leaving the championship to be decided in Mexico .
14 He and Richard clearly shared the same view of an overlord 's feudal rights .
15 At the same time , however , Bauer and Renner initially took an optimistic view of the outcome of the rivalry between the two movements ; the multinational Habsburg Empire , they thought , might be transformed into a socialist federation of nations , in which the concept of a ‘ nation ’ would itself change and the principle of nationality would begin to lose some of its importance as a basis for the formation of states .
16 Corbett grabbed a groom who was trying to lead a horse to the stables at the far end of the bailey but the fool could not understand him and Corbett simply drew a blank look , followed by a shrug and muttered curses .
17 The spectacle of Labour and Likud desperately courting the smaller parties and factions aroused indignation in the media and among the public at Israel 's electoral system , which , critics charged , allowed the minorities to extract enormous concessions .
18 The Company has continued to flourish over the years and Edenderry now has a thriving Company Section and Junior Section .
19 By solving a physiological conundrum Hubel and Wiesel immediately created a psychological puzzle : how is visual perception possible in a system that only relays information about the location and orientation of edges ?
20 And Andy obligingly held a hissing white mask over my lower face .
21 All the way through the Symphony rhythms are ( for once ) articulated with real clarity and precision , and Martinon clearly relishes the elephantine glories of the Finale ( do n't we all ! ) .
22 He said nothing else and Maggie quite understood the subtle insult .
23 They argued a lot , with Tom and Frank finally erecting an invisible wall between them .
24 Diane and Carol also run a pre-school contact group for four-year olds and their parents , which excludes younger brothers and sisters , on four Friday afternoons each term from 1.40 p.m. until 3.10 p.m .
25 Wilson scored four to take his tally to five , Keith got another and Beaumont also conceded an own goal .
26 It is quite certain that the poets Shakespeare , Keats , Byron and Wordsworth never saw a Hybrid Tea rose .
27 The RDAs for vitamins and minerals vary between different countries , with America and Russia often recommending a higher daily amounts than the UK .
28 So much of the music produced for keyboard and other polyphonic instruments throughout the 16th century was based on works originally written for the voice , and Marshall adeptly shows the colourful way in which they transfer to the Piffaro organ .
29 The cork popped and Willi skilfully caught the first fountain in a glass .
30 Although , for example , Nizan and Politzer unquestionably made the correct tactical decision in 1929 in siding with Rappoport and the party against the other less orthodox members of the editorial board of La Revue marxiste , and although the party itself was doubtless justified in harbouring misgivings regarding an " independent " Marxist journal , the incident itself highlighted the inevitably tense relationship between a disciplined revolutionary party and its intellectual membership and fellow-travellers .
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