Example sentences of "[coord] [noun prp] [verb] [to-vb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 The vast illegal drugs trade continued to have a major economic impact , and government programmes in Peru and Bolivia designed to reduce significantly the growing of coca caused great internal controversy .
2 Tait and Stewart sought to show not the truth of Christianity , but its compatibility with modern science , and the narrowness of those who contented themselves with what they called ‘ how ’ questions and never with ‘ why ’ .
3 Although there are still some technical problems , developers are working on business software for wireless computer networks , and NEC hopes to open up the market by introducing a lightweight antenna-modem unit for use with one of its popular and established series of PCs .
4 Face-to-face talks on Aug. 12-14 between Denktash and Vassiliou failed to produce either the initialling of a draft agreement or approval of a map illustrating proposals for territorial adjustments .
5 He asked the mother the child 's weight , worked out the dose and Kathleen went to draw up the drug and get the Flamazine ointment .
6 Finally it was over , and David started to write up the notes .
7 But the bed was manoeuvred into the room without incident , the two men departed after various forms had been signed , and Belinda and Tom began to set up the room .
8 Armenia , Byelarus , Kazakhstan , Kirgizstan , Russia , Tajikistan and Uzbekistan agreed to set up the Assembly " as a consultative institution to discuss matters and consider draft documents of common interest " .
9 And Faye planned to show off the eight paintings she had done over the past four months , six of which featured Belinda and all of which were now professionally framed .
10 She bit — savagely at her cuticles again , and McLeish had to fight back the urge to yell at her to stop , for God 's sake .
11 Fraser and Azhar experimented to see how the feedforward net reacted when they fixed a piece of metal weighing 450 grammes onto the gripper .
12 Two years later , when MGM had the not-so-bright idea of remaking Goodbye Mr Chips as a musical , and UA tried to bring back the British war film with The Battle of Britain ( 1970 ) , the bill for each picture was something like $12 million .
13 Gathering up the relicts is a hard business at the best of times , and Jackie had to know how the task , carried through with Helen 's usual bravery , would have affected her .
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