Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [adv] as [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Cochrane 's ( 1971 ) criticisms still seem as relevant and cogent today as they did 20 years ago , and at last seem to be taken seriously by the medical establishment and health policy- makers .
2 But for the caring and hard work of the Pet Rescue Fund Committee many animals would not be alive and well today as they deserve to be .
3 PRINCESS Diana was shocked , distressed and puzzled yesterday as she saw pictures of Somalia 's starving children .
4 He answered with a minute shake of his head and she obeyed , sitting on to watch the fantastic skill with which they wove and rewove their patterns , each keeping the strings taut and symmetrical even as they transformed them into a completely new shape .
5 Surely if that tense moment had affected him at all he would not sound so cool and distant now as he reached for Chalon 's reins .
6 The doctor was worried about brain damage but Andy seemed just as bright and intelligent afterwards as he 'd been before , remembering details from earlier in his childhood and performing above average in the memory tests the doctor gave him and even doing well in school when that started again after the winter break .
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