Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [noun sg] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Organizations for linking , such as those which many LEAs provide for the primary-to-secondary move , have also done much to encourage the pooling of detailed information about the curriculum up to the age of 16 and the curriculum either in the technical or vocational context up to the age of 17 or 18 or in a tertiary college up to the age of 18 .
2 I am sure their bodies were not designed for a two- or three-week period out of the fifty-two weeks in a year , however important that period may be .
3 And it argues convincingly that only by giving economic and political power back to the poor — the people most dependent on the natural environment for their day-to-day livelihoods — can the world defend its future .
4 We have every reason to be proud of the service of the Territorial Army over the years , because we can trace the history of volunteer and reserve commitment back to the Norman conquest .
5 But you will find plenty of kindling and dry wood down on the beach .
6 The government itself has encouraged individual rather than collective advancement by turning much of the initiative for vocational and technical training over to the private sector — with local and multinational companies selecting candidates for higher-level training and providing scholarships and bursaries to this end .
7 However , the three-way tone section allows this to be EQ 'd out and careful setting up of the guitar and amp or PA enables the 1992-H to put out a most convincing acoustic sound .
8 Despite a lingering tendency to see the Chinese cult of the dead as a simple and direct projection on to the mystical plane of the strict code of filial piety controlling the behaviour of sons towards their fathers , recent studies by Sinological anthropologists are increasingly adopting a wider cosmological perspective which places the dead , where they naturally belong , among the other spirits and forces of traditional Chinese religion .
9 Third , the political turbulence of the seventies born of economic failure and increasing unemployment , destroyed consensus and brought " conviction politics " and real choice back to the fore with a vengeance : the Conservatives rediscovered old roots in their opposition to state intervention and their commitment to the free market ; the Labour Party rediscovered socialism and attacked the free market of capitalism at the same time as they were eager to fashion an interventionist state ; the specifics of nationalist sentiment ebbed and flowed in unpredictable ways ; and only the Liberal-SDP Alliance seemed eager to try and recreate the moderate consensus politics and policies of the fifties , and they did this despite growing signs that the social and economic conditions that made those policies viable had ceased to exist .
10 His great claim to fame is that he was the first Englishman to build a long and lucrative career out of the dissemination of public news .
11 Masklin pulled the Thing from its niche in the wall and padded back out into the open .
12 The landing ships are expected to be fitted with two twenty metre cannons each for the dangerous and vulnerable trip up to the Gulf .
13 This is a growing burden , given the government 's devolution of geriatric and mental care on to the ‘ community ’ while actually failing to provide support and relying instead on the voluntary services of women in the family .
14 Using 256 colours on a VGA display , the graphics show warmth around lamps and fireplaces and muggy dampness out on the smog filled London streets .
15 The next afternoon , Matilda managed to get a rather sooty and grumpy parrot down from the chimney and out of the house without being seen .
16 The passage continued narrow , clearly cut and low-roofed , a safe and secret way out of the castle by which the garrison could retreat towards Shrewsbury , if too hard pressed , and by which it could receive stores and reinforcements in time of siege , or emerge to raid and counterattack by night .
17 We recognise the anomalies and obstacles with which CCW has had to contend , and support its efforts to weld an effective and influential organisation out of the raw materials at its disposal .
18 Then through the window you could see it-smaller than a Concord and almost completely open with its canvas side-curtains rolled up and fastened-just turning out of the yard , and the next moment the jingling , rattling sound was right out front .
19 Canyon Capers — an organised 3-event excursion of jet-boat ride up the rapids of the Shotover River , a bungy jump of 280 feet from a bridge into the Shotover gorge , and white-water rafting back down the river .
20 Cursory reading of the financial pages over the past few months would have left the average reader with the impression that while the US and UK economies were laboriously but undeniable clambering out of the recessionary trough , Japan was flat on its back and looking like getting worse before it got better , and that high interest rates in Germany were plunging that economy into a recessionary black hole and dragging most of the rest of the continent with it — now comes a report from International Data Corp saying its Global IT Survey of 5,000 computer executives , 500 chief executives and finance chiefs , and 1,100 local network managers in six biggest economies indicates that growth in computer spending will rise 2% to 3% in 1993 and , surprise , surprise — the US and the UK should outperform the rest of Europe and Japan .
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