Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [to-vb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The commonest problem with central heating pumps is jamming , either after a period when the pump has not been used , or due to sludge in the system clogging the impeller .
2 Normally amongst these is included any matter where the complainant has or had a right of appeal or right to go to the courts but has not used it .
3 Money raised will be used to enable women who are low-waged or unemployed to go on the Delegation ( which is in March ) .
4 It may be difficult or impossible to establish at the date of the sale the value of the pension rights to be transferred .
5 We no longer allow the weak or foolish or unfortunate to perish in the gutters of a city slum .
6 Speaking in April 1987 , Yakovlev attacked ‘ dogmatic thinking ’ and located its social origins in that section of the society that had ‘ no interest in development , who are personally satisfied with the customary and convenient status quo , who are unable or unwilling to respond to the challenges of the times and to new phenomena in life ’ .
7 The CDP 's fear is that the local authorities will be so hard pressed , because of government policy , that they will be unable or unwilling to help in the future .
8 It is the West 's firmest commitment so far to helping clean up environmental damage in the East but also its clearest statement yet that it is not willing or able to pay for the process .
9 Also , perhaps , that sometimes at night , she finds her crying for the starving of Africa or unable to sleep with the terror of the possibility of nuclear war or desperately seeking a denial of the reality of the horror of the Holocaust .
10 Some nonsense or other to do with the nanny state .
11 Alter the dialogue to demonstrate failure of parent and professional to agree on the problem behaviour .
12 In use I found the sack comfortable and stable to carry with the back just long enough for me to use the hip belt , which was functional , if a little basic .
13 The winner is the regular work companion of Assessor , a 33–1 chance for the Ever Ready Derby and due to reappear in the Thresher Classic Trial at Sandown Park later this month , which is also the target for Robert Sangster 's River Defences ( also 33–1 for the Derby ) , an impressive winner of the Compton Maiden Stakes .
14 Climb up and right to land on the ledge which Mousetrap uses to the right .
15 I tried to think of something dignified and contemptuous to say to the officer but could find nothing .
16 Channel 4 said a top-level decision had been taken that the illustrations were ‘ inappropriate and unnecessary to get over the message of the programme ’ .
17 The staff are now feverishly working on ways to persuade the building trade and public to pay for the publications .
18 The successful trial of the system requires that the teachers understand and accept the intentions , and that they are able and willing to engage in the processes implied .
19 To provide an illustration , a child who gets into trouble is much more likely to come before a court if he or she is from a poor home and has parents who do not get on with the welfare authorities or the police , than if his or her family is prosperous , respectable and willing to co-operate with the police and social services .
20 Like recent commercials by British Nuclear Fuels , the tenor of the campaign was to present Nuclear Electric as being open and willing to communicate with the public .
21 What matters is that Ministers should be ready and willing to come to the House of Commons when expected to do so in order to answer questions from elected representatives on matters of genuine public interest and importance .
22 He had aged noticeably , his voice was higher-pitched and more quavery , but he was still alert mentally and willing to range over the whole of the naval war and his relationship with Hitler .
23 He denied it but after she had an abortion allegedly confessed to his wife , who had been too afraid and embarrassed to go to the police .
24 A three year old is comparatively weak and easy to get to the bottom of , whereas a four or five year old will be able to put up more of a resistance ( if that is in his nature ) .
25 Tasks ( c ) and ( d ) are , however , complex and daunting , and easy to neglect in the light of the more clamorous needs of ( a ) and ( b ) .
26 Fame and fortune have changed many a new born hero for the worse — especially when the object of everyone 's attention is young and unready to cope with the pressures of a hugely metamorphosed lifestyle .
27 Currently under preparation for 1995–96 , and likely to coincide with the publication of the long-awaited catalogue raisonné by John Rewald , is an excitingly broad survey curated by Joseph Rishel of the Philadelphia Museum of Art and Francoise Cachin of the Musée d'Orsay .
28 In this report , it accused the asbestos industry of deliberately pursuing profit in the face of known dangers , and ‘ in the light of the damage done to people working in the industry and likely to occur in the future , … it is simply incredible ’ that nothing much is done about it .
29 It was more exciting and comfortable to travel in the back of a Ford car than on any part of a bus , even top front .
30 We chose sites that were obscure and hard to see from the valleys , at the base of upland cliffs from where we could see but not be seen .
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