Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [conj] [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Single mothers and separated mothers were the next largest groups at around 20 per cent each and widows and lone fathers ( of whom two thirds are divorced or separated and almost a quarter widows ) are the smallest groups .
2 If I want to talk personally with my father about something and am admitted to him , he talks for an hour about something or other and then the time of the talk is over and I have not been able to say what I had wanted to say .
3 There was no issue on which he would n't take one side or other and preferably the minority , or losing side .
4 I speak English , French and Spanish but not the others mentioned , so I have had to be very open to inferring sociolinguistic information and to being wary of my own assumptions .
5 Two or three were just fairly old and frail and just the stress out there was getting to them and I suppose some had relatively minor but painful things , not life threatening , but just uncomfortable .
6 And now the rains had really come , so heavy and persistent that even the village rain-maker no longer claimed to be able to intervene .
7 She feels that I should take my cod and coalfish , garfish and grayling , salmon and sole and even the shark steaks , and install them in the old deep freeze in the garage .
8 Then from her robe she took another chip , silvery and translucent and twice the size of the others .
9 A pupil at Hummersknott School , she is studying for GCSEs and hopes to go on to do A levels in politics , economics and English and eventually a degree .
10 What has to be shown he said , is that by deliberate acts the court order has been defied and broken and accordingly a contempt of court has taken place .
11 Using Circle K as an example he complained that since the lighting had been removed the corner was dull , dark and dangerous and not a place to walk late at night .
12 Dave is very much his own man — young and impulsive and finally the arbiter of his own convictions .
13 The Springvale Enterprise Park held out greater promise because it is mixed Catholic and Protestant and so the government might be willing to fund it .
14 And black and black and then the denim shirt .
15 Materialism is subtle and persuasive and easily the church can become trapped by it , becoming far weaker , more complacent and faint-hearted , voluntarily seduced into the ME-generation and the glorious gospel of self .
16 The Americans love their sport and are just as fervent and passionate , but they have made their stadiums comfortable and safe and also an outing for the family .
17 Corbett expected the Pictish village to be hidden and secretive but suddenly the trees thinned , the sunlight glimmered then poured through as they abruptly left the canopy of trees and entered a large clearing .
18 And green and deep The stream mysterious glides beneath , Green as a dream and deep as death … ‘
19 The house was well-kept and clean and even the garden looked well-kept , which her uncle said had been an awful mess before she came .
20 Mr Justice Sheil said it was sad and regrettable that both the poppy and shamrock , which were worn by both traditions with pride throughout the world and by many in Northern Ireland , were capable of being used in the prison as a means of provocation to other prisoners .
21 And then , when I put the phone down again , it resumes its full natural flow , inside my head instead of outside , as perfectly articulate and well-modulated as only a voice inside one 's head has a chance to be .
22 In both their life-style and their religious teachings , the Essenes were more rigorous and austere than either the Sadducees or the Pharisees .
23 Put it in a train in a comfortable seat with two hours of peace and quiet and not a contraflow within cursing distance , and let its brakes off .
24 She had just stood there , scarcely able to breathe , and aware that only a hair 's breadth of control separated her from a fury that would shake her to her soul .
25 Shareholders will end up with a highly leveraged vehicle — which is fine if the group is going to thrive and win its franchise , but dangerous if either the group 's stream of advertising revenue or its franchise is under threat .
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