Example sentences of "[coord] [art] few [noun pl] [pron] [be] " in BNC.

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1 In this country it is only the older , the inherited rich or a few intellectuals who are relaxed enough to think about the unprivileged .
2 The definition ‘ Bangladeshi ’ refers to infants whose mothers were born in Bangladesh , and the few mothers who were born or grew up in Britain .
3 Sam spent the next morning poking his broom everywhere it was wanted and a few places it was n't until he had swept up several titbits of very interesting information .
4 Within two minutes the mob had completely dispersed , with the exception of the odd copper or two and a few stragglers who were loth to leave the scene of all the fun .
5 I touched my swollen lips and my ears and had a roll-call of my limbs , but apart from my hand , an incipient black eye and a few abrasions there was n't much evidence of my encounter with Russian free enterprise and Soviet cavalry .
6 There were not many trees in the poorer part of the city but the few trees there were , preserved to give shade in the little squares , were full of birds .
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