Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] the [num ord] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The problem of course with Christology for feminists is that Jesus was a male human being and that thus as a symbol , as the Christ , or as the Second Person of the trinity , it would seem that ‘ God ’ becomes in some way ‘ male ’ .
2 This unit will be conducted by Mrs Chris Smith , Pastoral Director at Ushaw , and people are welcome to attend this as a complete course in its own right , or as the first stage in the longer course which contains five further units .
3 But he 's still mainly known either for having had Grace in his face a few years back , or as the third meatboy in line after Stallone and Scharzenegger ; one of that strange Eighties breed of actors who can manage all kinds of complicated weapons , but have trouble with lines of dialogue longer than ten words .
4 The editing pattern consists of one entry per character position in the destination string : each of these specifies insertion either of a designated character or of the next character from the source string , and this may depend on the sign of the value being converted or on whether the first significant digit has yet been reached .
5 So , the final batch of Computex machines were delivered during the last week of August to the Liverpool subcontractor , who promised to deliver the ZX machines on or before the last day of August .
6 The scrolled area showns the current list of module references , from the start module specified ( or from the first module on the SSR if no start module has been specified ) .
7 Distantly she could feel the tremor of a heart still recognizably her own — though whether it shook with terror or from the first stirrings of a ferocious excitement was hard to distinguish now .
8 ( Certain gilts can be traded special ex dividend three weeks prior to the normal ex dividend date , which means that they can be bought or sold with or without the next coupon during this period . )
9 In the case of parish , town or community councillor the declaration must be made before or at the first meeting of the council after his election , or if the council at that meeting so permits , before or at a later meeting fixed by the council .
10 What is clear is that this golden age did not exist in the mid 1950s , in the first part of this century nor in the first half of the last century .
11 ‘ It has been a special privilege to serve under you in the Cabinet as Chief Secretary and as the first Secretary of State for National Heritage .
12 She was an apostle of teacher training and as the first woman to be elected to the senate of London University promoted the foundation of the London Day Training College and the accompanying chair in education .
13 A stool was brought out , and as the last echoes of twelve faded in the warm night air a dark-haired young man with flashing black eyes came and stood alone in the dim light .
14 There have been major rebellions against the imposition of charges for eye and dental tests , for an amendment to grade the poll tax according to ability to pay , and for the second reading of a private members ' bill to liberalize the Official Secrets Act .
15 And his quality show earned the praise of manager Steve Gritt , who said : ‘ That is the best all-round performance I 've seen from him and for the second game in succession he 's earned us a draw . ’
16 The practice is for the second copy of the Request to be retained in the files of the Central Authority as a record of its action in the matter , and for the second copy of the document itself to be returned with the completed Certificate of service so as to eliminate any doubt as to which document is covered by the Certificate .
17 He has n't , but on this occasion and for the second time with just over twenty minutes played , the Pisa goalkeeper was picking the ball out of the back of the net .
18 The headmistress let out a yell that must have rattled every window-pane in the building and for the second time in the last five minutes she shot out of her chair like a rocket .
19 They arrived in Liverpool after an uneventful railway journey and for the second time in three months Cam walked along the dock wall looking for the Langdale ; but now there was confidence in his stride and eagerness in his face .
20 And for the second time in ten minutes the man showered .
21 Come in , my dear , and tell me all about it , ’ he urged , and for the second time in just over twenty-four hours Paige burst into tears .
22 Father O'Malley wrote out his former pupil 's instructions and for the second time in as many days Charlie signed his name to an official document .
23 I decided this would be a good experimental site on which to try my new detector , and for the first hour of detecting felt that I had been right in my assumption that I had really cleaned this place out .
24 Bloody clouds of flies and biting things and humming whatsits and for the first couple of weeks you think how extraordinary , well it does n't matter getting bitten , everyone else is , except Matt with his NASA US-Govt issue personal mosquito repellent and corned-beef face-protector .
25 Many of the hotels in this brochure do continue to provide waiter serve , although some of these will have buffet for breakfast and for the first course of main meals .
26 In fact it took another two years for the project to be fully studied , for the government to support its formal submission to the World Bank , for the Bank 's board to approve it and for the first tranche of funds to flow .
27 His aim was to boost flagging sales , and for the first time during the recession new cars came within the grasp of those who still had some cash .
28 He never came to the hotel drunk and for the first time for years worked almost to a routine .
29 After she fell in love with Astrid , she became Dragonfly Moonchild , the world her oyster , and for the first time on the daily journey , she saw an adventure playground over the hoardings by the Elephant and Castle , and all the poles were painted like a carousel .
30 He saw with pleasure that she looked cold but not frightened ; she was beginning to swim more slowly and for the first time with trust , as if the water were a friendly and not an alien element .
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