Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] the [adj] [noun pl] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Paintings , drawings , and portraits are other useful pictorial sources , and for the Middle Ages the decorations and embellishments in medieval manuscripts , books of hours and church panels form another excellent pictorial source .
2 It also becomes more specific and for the higher potencies the remedy selection has to be more accurate for the remedy to work .
3 Ah , but you 're going to be getting some extra police officers by taking them off er , paperwork , er you 're gon na get two thousand three hundred I see in the press , well that as shown , that of course will be twenty three , but if anybody here thinks the Chief Constable 's gon na produce twenty three new police officers through reductions in paperwork and through the other initiatives the Home Secretary has announced , well I do n't believe them , and we shall have to wait and see .
4 Later , in the autumn of 1912 , Picasso moved to Montparnasse , and during the following years the differences in their work began to become apparent , but the same friendly relations were maintained .
5 Speedie , a one-time Quaker with Darlington and like the two managers a former number seven at Anfield , headed his second on the hour and side-footed his third after a mix up between Wright and Liam O'Brien with fifteen minutes left .
6 As yet the list of lords who were individually summoned to attend had not hardened , so that lay peers ( as they came later to be called ) fluctuated from around fifty to a hundred , and alongside the twenty-one bishops a varying number of abbots and priors — sometimes as many as seventy , occasionally more , often fewer — were invited to attend .
7 ‘ The officials at Preston have been nothing but encouraging and in the early days the coaching staff put in a lot of time to make up for my lack of experience .
8 None of us really knew what we were going to see , and in the early days the tapes were rather artificial because the lessons were all so well prepared , the kids knew they were going to have a video in the classes , it did n't mean that they were always well behaved !
9 Most of our population stock arrived later , from northern Germany and Denmark , as shown in the place names of most of England and southern Scotland , and in the Middle Ages the Kingdom of Scotland was one of the poorest areas of Europe .
10 History should include the lives of great men and women and the lessons to be learnt therefrom , and in the higher classes a knowledge of the great persons and events of English History and of the growth of the British Empire .
11 History , which should include , in the lower classes , the lives of great men and women and the lessons to be learnt therefrom , and in the higher classes a knowledge of the great persons and events of English History and of the growth of the British Empire .
12 The London Medical Review wrote in 1862 that : ‘ there can be no doubt that both in the human subject and in the lower animals the female does participate fully in the sexual passion ’ , and many others were sceptical of his claims .
13 Gradually weight loss occurs despite a good diet , and in the final stages the person ceases to recognise the family or even the self in the mirror , loses bladder and bowel control , any capacity for self-care or ability to communicate in words .
14 Thornton patronage in Colchester placed the Rev. William Marsh there in 1814 and in the following years an evangelical connection was established across southern East Anglia .
15 In the last years of the Soviet Union and in the new republics the militia found itself dealing with a level of public demonstration — and sometimes disorder — of which it had no previous experience , and it did not always deal efficiently with them .
16 Many of the most committed Calvinists , who had wrestled for lengthy periods with the doctrine of predestination before finally convincing themselves of the assuredness of their salvation , reacted with fury and outrage to Arminius 's teachings , and in the United Provinces the resulting theological controversy provoked a major political crisis , culminating in the defeat of the Arminians at the Synod of Dort in 1618 .
17 The road was very pleasant , and nice peeps were opened out along the shore , those scenes peculiar to this and neighbouring isles ; long flat stretches of heath and sand , and lines of cliff ; and in the pearliest hues the mountains of the north-west of Scotland graced their glowing setting of sunlit cloud and sun-reflecting sea , while the ether was embalmed in shades that partook of many emerald rays .
18 The Chemistry courses in Edinburgh reflect the breadth of the subject and over the four years the topics covered range from the molecules of nature found in biological systems through a wide range of organic , inorganic and physical chemistry to fundamental properties of atoms and molecules .
19 Although for a mile around no tree grew , some vegetation had found a root-hold in the crevices of its walls , and on the worn battlements the lightning revealed a dwarfed tree drooping like a flag under the incessant downpour .
20 The sheep ran on the fells above Ullswater , as they do today , and on the higher reaches the red deer can still be seen .
21 Beneath and beyond the flocking starlings the evening air was alight with the flight of swifts which wheeled and dived with a speed which dazzled Creggan .
22 In view of the universality and range of the interview situation it is not surprising that there has been extensive research , but for the same reasons the research is of little operational consequence .
23 THE Premier League may have been billed as a whole new ball game , but for the smaller clubs the survival struggle is the same as ever .
24 In elections held in May 1990 the NLD had won an overwhelming victory , but during the following months the ruling military junta ( the State Law and Order Restoration Council — SLORC ) had shown little indication that it was planning a transfer of power to civilian rule .
25 The Scottish study shows that two thirds of the male clients were employed and are increasingly in higher earning brackets but of the female clients an increasing number are in lower income groups .
26 Very gifted , but in the early days the ensemble was not always very good .
27 The school had a capacity to accept 625 boys but in the relevant years the school was not full to capacity .
28 She slept at last , but in the small hours the nightmare returned .
29 A considerable number of drive circuit configurations are available , but in the following Sections the discussion is limited to two of the best-known types .
30 For both Piaget and Hegel , the initial stages are highly egocentric , equivalent to the development of mind , but in the later stages the subject is increasingly confronted by the social world in which rules are imposed from the outside .
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