Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The Prime Minister dominates the cabinet , its members wait upon a summons ; there is control and prior approval of the agenda from the Prime Minister ; the skilful exploitation of collective responsibility by the Prime Minister can neutralise and isolate a recalcitrant cabinet minority which has no choice but to ‘ shut up or get out ’ ; the Prime Minister has wide access to a network of policy-making cabinet committees , and ‘ deals ’ can be made in inter-departmental committees , cabinet committees , or between the Prime Minister and individual ministers .
2 The third method for assessing the effects of exposure is one in which the subjects are required to learn a discrimination between pre-exposed stimuli ( or between the pre-exposed stimulus and some other ) .
3 They have erm in breaking new situations , if there is something big going on , you know , or during the democratic convention or whatever it is , or this Iraq thing , the anchors stay around the studio and then maybe do a replay , so to speak .
4 The famed croaking is more likely to be heard in such tanks , as it 's at its most audible when males meet and display as a threat to other intruding males — or during the mating season as the male pursues the female .
5 At or about the same time as the 2D was announced , Philips unveiled the PL lamp .
6 Attitudes to private schools are summarised in Figure 11.20 , which shows the percentages of people in Great Britain ( in 1987 ) who thought there should be more , fewer , none , or about the same number as then .
7 Is the natural gas found in rocks which are younger , older or about the same age as the Coal Measures ?
8 ( 2 ) At or after the preliminary appointment if there be one , the arbitrator shall fix a date for the dispute to be heard ( unless the parties consent to his deciding it on the statements and documents submitted to him — an unusual course not usually acceptable to the parties or the district judge ) and he shall give such directions regarding the steps to be taken before and at the hearing as may appear to him to be necessary or desirable .
9 ‘ The court shall not be bound to allow the appeal on the ground merely of misdirection , or of the improper admission or rejection of evidence , unless in the opinion of the court substantial wrong or miscarriage has been thereby occasioned .
10 ‘ Reserve stock , describes a closed access part of a library located in or near the same building as the open access collections .
11 Or into the small money-box that each child had .
12 ( e ) a financial or other professional adviser ( including a stockbroker ) with its client in respect of the shareholdings of the adviser and persons controlling , controlled by or under the same control as the adviser ( except in the capacity of an exempt market-maker ( see para 7.7 below ) ) ; and
13 John Major 's inquiry should be held in public , not behind closed doors or with the usual excuse that publication would ‘ not be in the public interest ’ .
14 An application to the bishop for permission may be met with either incomprehension or with the calm statement that there is already a church in the neighbouring parish .
15 It is important however to dispel the ‘ big push ’ theory of change — that all we need is one last great effort to climb the next hill or round the next corner and we shall then arrive in the promised land of milk , honey and stability !
16 This was done from affection or duty or in the certain knowledge that those who helped would someday need similar help themselves — as a form of insurance .
17 Nothing that has happened in Czechoslovakia or in the wider world since that time has diminished the willingness of the Czechoslovak people to accede to this wish .
18 Sent off no less than 20 times in his career , Johnson is a surprisingly quiet and tender man who lashed out at opponents , either on the spur of the moment or in the heart-felt belief that rational behaviour was for lesser talents .
19 Given its height and vigour , L. serotina is probably best accommodated at the back of a herbaceous border or in the wild garden if you are lucky enough to have such a place .
20 He would very probably find better evidence of present attitudes in his own political experience or in the popular press than in even fairly recent statutes enacted by a legislature most of whose members are now gone .
21 Nevertheless , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , I think that this needs saying , quite calmly and objectively , in this commentary , which will not spare me when I have done badly or in the wrong spirit or left half-done , but will not either , in a spirit of false modesty , gloss over those things in my life and work which have been a success , even , mildly , a triumph .
22 They go only a short distance , or in the wrong direction or just come straight down again .
23 There is no check in either of the two grand pianos or in the square piano that survive ( illus.13 ) .
24 For the hundreds of thousands of Spanish — and non-Spanish — democrats and leftists who fought and died in the Civil War or in the horrendous repression that followed , the forces against which they struggled differed in few essentials from those that had recently brought dictatorship and oppression to Italy , Germany and Austria .
25 They are to the effect that a refusal is reasonable if : ( i ) it is based upon the personality of the proposed assignee or upon the proposed use or occupation of the premises ; or ( ii ) it is based on the contract between lessor and lessee and it safeguards the interests granted or reserved to the lessor by the lease ; or ( iii ) it is reasonable in a general sense , taking into account the surrounding circumstances , the commercial realities of the market-place and the economic impact of an assignment on the landlord .
26 There is general dissatisfaction with direct debits being charged at the wrong time or from the wrong account and so-called ‘ phantom withdrawals ’ from ATMs .
27 As the child that comes or may come from a sexual encounter between a man and a woman differs from the child born from that man and some other woman ( or from the same man and the same woman on another occasion ) , so every genuine poem is the unique product of one unrepeatable encounter between the artist and an unearthly partner who may be called ‘ Muse ’ or ‘ goddess ’ .
28 We studied 16 patients with proved ulcerative colitis ; eight had a disease extension to or beyond the sigmoid colon and eight had an isolated proctitis ( eight women and eight men , with a mean age of 35 years , range 20 to 75 ) .
29 As a result , policy and resources committee proceedings have in many authorities become either duplicates of , or substitutes for , the work of the full council and the function of policy co-ordination has shifted to the party political groups , or to the chief executive and management team , or … both' ( Alexander , 1982a , p. 91 ) .
30 If the client ca n't be dissuaded , the Law Society has directed that the following steps by a solicitor are obligatory : ( 1 ) A solicitor must , with his clients ' authority , at once disclose in writing his clients ' decisions to the solicitor for each prospective buyer ( or to the prospective buyer if he or she is unrepresented ) .
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