Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [art] [adj] time [subord] " in BNC.

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1 At or about the same time as the 2D was announced , Philips unveiled the PL lamp .
2 It is vital for the young cuckoo to hatch either before , or at the same time as , its nest mates .
3 He was sitting there with his head in his hands ; he did not rise when the train passed ; he made no movement ; he did not give a glance at the signs I made him ; and for a long time as the train was carrying me away , I watched his little motionless , grief-stricken figure , lost in the desert , an image of my own despair .
4 And for the second time since she 'd first met him , he turned on his heel and left her , his blistering words still seeming to echo in the very air around her .
5 She came last to Lachlan , and for the first time since he had startled her raised her head to look him in the face .
6 I was totally conscious and for the first time since my labour started I felt relaxed .
7 He guided her every step of the way , and for the first time since she 'd joined C 's Circus she felt like a woman being seduced .
8 And for the first time since the investigation had begun the sergeant felt he had been lucky .
9 And for the first time since he had so suddenly reappeared in her life Laura saw her husband 's shoulders slump , almost as if he was bearing the weight of his own brother 's horrific injuries .
10 The situation did n't improve much during the rest of the week and for the first time since Rachel had been working at OBEX she found herself not looking forward to going to work in the mornings .
11 He looked as if he was going to protest , but his eyes caught her face , and for the first time since she had known him Nelson was one hundred per cent a grown-up .
12 From the revving intro to Jagger 's absurd Robert-Johnson-on-the-acid vocals , ‘ Jumping Jack Flash ’ single-handedly did change the face of rock , and for the first time provided a fitting soundtrack for The Rolling Stones as devil bastards from Planet Murder .
13 Bought by collectors — and for the first time whilst , as it were , still wet — by museums .
14 He thought that he lost his hold on sanity for a time then ; he knew , later , that the black despair and the agony of loneliness had closed about him fully , and for an unmeasurable time while his reason spun wildly out of control .
15 He was detained on Saturday , 30th December , the same day that Mattiya and Otini Kambona were picked up and at the same time as the closure of Ulimwengu was announced .
16 He said : ‘ I went to the island of Kos with some mates and at the same time as I was being ill some of my mates were having headaches and feeling ill .
17 She hit her and at the same time as she hit her she virtually came to a er , a stop because of the fact she wa she started to brake as soon as she saw the the children appear er , but ne never the less contact was made but thankfully for her and for the child the the contact was a a at no significant speed , the child was just knocked off her feet and she got up and waved to Mrs and said I 'm alright and she ran off and she was away before Mrs had time , even to undo her safety belt to get out of the car .
18 The panel hopes now that this statement of faith can be seen as a useful and fairly accessible indicator to outsiders as to what the faith is all about , and at the same time as a ring of words which at least the majority of us within the church can happily affirm .
19 One course forward was that symbolised by the young activists — perjuangan , or mass action — and at the same time as BKR was being created badan perjuangan , ‘ struggle groups ’ , were formed .
20 They served to mark conspicuous waste in the form of offerings and sacrifices and at the same time as objects of conspicuous consumption on the part of individuals highly placed in social hierarchies .
21 And building society , anybody who has a building society account prior to ninety one two if they had n't income really i they were silly to have money in the building society account because they were having tax deducted but could n't get it back and at the same time as the independent taxation they changed the er tax system for building societies and banks which meant that banks and building societies were then deducted tax at the standard rate of twenty five percent and it could be refunded or repaid or not deducted in certain circumstances , so back to your question , anybody who has money in a building society now , or is n't taxable , should ask the building society not to deduct tax , as they 're entitled to do , fill a form and , and where people can state that they do n't , they 're not liable to pay tax , building societies and banks will not now deduct income tax .
22 Whereas in the previous studies subjects have had prior knowledge of a junction and multiple exposures to it , in this study subjects only see a junction once , in just one set of traffic conditions and at the same time as making a risk assessment .
23 Thus , the radically Falangist General Yagüe was sacked as Air Minister , but Franco appointed an enthusiastically pro-Axis ambassador to Berlin ; and at the same time as he accepted Allied economic aid , he wrote letters of warm support to Hitler and Mussolini , and granted Germany and Italy access to military facilities in Spain .
24 The bare infinitive thus seems to have shifted out of the field of the future or the subsequent in a similar way to , and at the same time as , the present-tense form .
25 Yes my Lord er as soon as we went to the main bedroom which was the back bedroom at the same time as as that bedroom door opened , so the second team consisting of er P C P C would have gone into the second smaller bedroom and at the same time as we went in er P C and P C job er was to cover our backs in case of anybody in er the kitchen or the living area , the living room area .
26 There is even evidence to suggest that elephants existed as far as the Upper Euphrates basin as late as the first millennium B.C. Syrian ivory contributed to the supplies available to New Kingdom Egypt and at the same time provided the material for the flourishing school of ivory workers based on Tyre , the products of which enriched the civilizations of the east Mediterranean and Assyria .
27 The MPRP needs to improve itself and at the same time if new parties are formed for the interest of the people and the country , they should be competing on equal terms . "
28 Agricultural development in the hills will create systems more sensitive to interference through public access and at the same time because of fencing , scrub clearance , land reclamation , etc. , change the appearance and so increase the potential conflict for recreational opportunity on the one hand and improved viability of agriculture on the other .
29 In reality there was already primitive , and in some cases quite sophisticated , desktop publishing software being developed at and around the same time as Aldus emerged with PageMaker for the Apple Macintosh .
30 Tug opened his mouth automatically , but for the first time since he had been there , he let the words go unsaid .
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