Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] [conj] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 " You get up so early and when you re not in chapel , you 're scrubbing or polishing or digging in the garden . "
2 But it was theocratic kingship that was the foundation of his policy and his rulership rather than a kingship or emperorship that looked to the pope for sanction and direction .
3 That means an educated working class , understanding the needs of socialism or communism and setting about the task of achieving it by getting rid of capitalism and introducing socialism , or communism .
4 Where there is a pavement or foot path used , do not walk next to the curb with your back from the traffic , look both ways before you step into the road where there is no foot path , walk on the right hand side of the road , it is safer to walk on the side facing on coming traffic , keep as close as possible to the side of the road , take care at right hand bends , keep one behind if that is possible , particularly line heavy traffic on flurry , do not allow children under age five at least out alone on the road , go with them , walk between them and the traffic and always keep tight hold of their hands , if you ca n't do this then use reigns as security , secure them firmly into the pushchair , do not let them run into the road , always wear or carry something bright or light or reflected within the dark of light , this is especially important , that all uses it it 's just the rules I suppose
5 There exists a school of thought , that an expensive Biro , wrought from gold or silver and branded with the potential owner 's name , will become a chenshed possession .
6 In considering whether at this stage it is possible to say that the answer to this question must be ‘ nothing ’ I must assume that the third defendant will be found guilty of conspiracy or fraud as alleged by the plaintiffs and also that the third party will be found to be negligent as regards the plaintiffs in the respects mentioned in the third party notice .
7 The conceptual distinction between perceptions and attitudes is clear ; but perceptions of party chances or the state of the economy imply an element of approval or disapproval when articulated by the electorate .
8 Since we must have some way of linking each component to the next one in the structure , each component must contain a link or pointer that points to the next component in the structure .
9 Thus 03 ( from Table 1 ) becomes identified with a dictionary or encyclopaedia and recurs in the notation for the Generalia class 030 for general dictionaries and encyclopaedias .
10 Small objects like pennies , tablets , and screw caps can easily lodge in the mouthpiece of a metered dose inhaler and , when the inhaler is used , be forcefully expelled into the pharynx or larynx and inhaled into the bronchial tree .
11 read aloud to the class or teacher and talk about the books they have been reading ;
12 Discover the old , new and futuristic faces of Acapulco , including the famous cliff divers of la Quebrada , or wine and dine on the world 's largest catamaran while taking in the magnificent views of Acapulco by night .
13 The bags are usually made of leather or canvas and hung from the ceiling on a rope or chain so that they may be easily raised or lowered .
14 Most of Gould 's time on this first brief visit to Yarrundi was spent in pursuit of one particular bird — the Menura or lyre-bird that abounded in the cedar brush on the slopes of the Liverpool Range .
15 If the offending animal or human does not back off , then this threatening behaviour may be followed by a lunge or charge and attack with the teeth .
16 Hits from shooting and hand-to-hand combat are randomly allocated between the War Wagon tower , the horses , or crew as shown on the chart below .
17 This is a valuable time for the family to get to know the vicar or deacon and talk about the person who has died , but often the discussion will centre on practical arrangements like deciding on hymns , music , and order of service .
18 Outside the plant , middle-aged women who once worked in it spend their time methodically abusing every car , van or lorry that drives through the gates .
19 The near vicinity offers excursions to the legendary Bran Castle for a haunting encounter with Count Dracula 's past , or dining and dancing in the nearby mediaeval town of Brasov .
20 Leave the tangerines whole , or slice and pour with the syrup around the pudding .
21 Apart from all else the concentration required to hear mentally an orchestral passage while seated in a bus or train or standing in the Underground can not fail to be beneficial .
22 Or chortle and wait for the next T-shirt ?
23 Add the white wine , brandy and mustard and cook for 1 minute , then pour in the cream or yogurt and bring to the boil .
24 He , too , has the courage to speak out , and so has Ted Heath , whether what they say is right or wrong or agrees with the party line .
25 Or rosemary that shakes in the world 's breeze .
26 Activists also like being thrown in the deep end they quite like the challenge of being thrown in and sink or swim and learn from the experience , rather than actually talking about too much and then a little bit of action later .
27 Without looking up from her work she tells me something she has done or discovered or thought or decided during the day .
28 However under certain conditions , possibly related to temperature and moisture , the L3 can become parasitic infecting the host by skin penetration or ingestion and migrating via the venous system , the lungs and trachea to develop into adult female worms in the small intestine .
29 There is a slot for each room and the names of the occupants , dates of arrival and departure and terms are typed on a card or slip and placed in the appropriate room number slot .
30 the regular folded array with adjacent re-entry of the chains , but with some loose folding and emergent chain ends or cilia that contribute to the disordered surface , or
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