Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] [prep] the [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 Almost 40 per cent of such problems were attributed in whole or part to the pupils ' characteristics whilst in about 65 per cent of cases the home was thought to be wholly or partly to blame .
2 This may include lecture preparation , presentation , research for a publication or article in the members ' own name or research for a new piece of work to be undertaken .
3 The nurse is there to make the nursing contribution to the solution , amelioration or prevention of the patients ' actual or potential problems .
4 He said the region did not accept the accuracy or validity of the psychologists ' findings .
5 Before asserting that the deceptive appearance of a grasshopper or butterfly is unnecessarily detailed , we must first ascertain what are the powers of perception and discrimination of the insects ' natural enemies .
6 A good unit can be extremely supportive to the teacher but should not decrease the role that he alone can play best , ie , picking up and building on the pupils ' reactions and suggestions .
7 " We can not close the report without mentioning the great satisfaction expressed by the Mayor and Corporation and Inhabitants of the Town of Stockport at the re-establishment of the School , and the high sense they entertained of the liberality and kindness of the Goldsmiths ' Company . "
8 It would have included responsibility for the finance , organization and administration of the Magistrates ' courts , and for criminal legal aid .
9 So far , probably because of the expense and uncertainty of the courts ' view , the number of cases is very limited .
10 They are : the administration of the Crown Court and Court of Appeal ( Criminal Division ) ; the financing , organization and management of the Magistrates ' courts ; legal aid , legal services , and costs from central funds ( policy and provision ) ; and the appointment , or advice on the appointment , of almost all judges , judicial officers and magistrates in England and Wales , and in Northern Ireland .
11 In April 1992 , the month in which responsibility for the financing , organization and management of the Magistrates ' courts passed to the Lord Chancellor 's Department , machinery of government changes made in the aftermath of the General Election transferred five existing Home Office functions to other departments .
12 An important change in the balance within the industrial movement , and hence within the Labour Party , was brought about by the decline in numbers and influence of the Miners ' Federation of Great Britain .
13 This balancing of floor patterns is also matched by the rise and fall of the dancers ' bodies , heads and arms .
14 IF Evander Holyfield 's fists prove as fast and slick as the promoters ' tongues have been these past few days , his world heavyweight title defence against Riddick Bowe tonight promises to be a masterpiece .
15 Our study has collected data from 10 first wave fundholding practices and seven non-fundholding practices to measure their use of hospital care ( inpatient and outpatient ) , the speed and nature of the hospitals ' response to requests from the practices , prescribing patterns and costs , and any innovations or changes introduced in practice based facilities , as well as monitoring the views and experience of general practitioners , hospital consultants , and patients .
16 But even if the Handscomb decision were fully accepted , I consider that he was entitled to make a distinction ; the difficulty of assessing the requirements of retribution and deterrence from the judges ' tariff in a murder case was a sufficient ground for his reserving the decision in mandatory life sentence cases to himself .
17 But the conductor can focus the horn player 's skill and knowledge on the musicians ' joint performance .
18 Underground fungi filaments supply nutrients and water to the trees ' roots .
19 ( b ) the initial composition and constitution of the students ' association . ’
20 Secondly , the LEAs will be required to delegate many of their responsibilities for the management and control of the schools ' budget share , and for the appointment and dismissal of staff , to the governing bodies of the schools ( and of the larger colleges that remain under LEA control ) .
21 Towards the pure perception end of the spectrum is awareness of opinion polls , awareness of local constituency candidates , awareness of campaign activities by party leaders , and awareness of the parties ' campaign themes .
22 All the student nurses each had a small room with a desk and bed in the nurses ' home .
23 he was apprenticed to his uncle , Thomas Stanton ( 1610–1674 ) , master of the Masons ' Company in 1660 and founder of the sculptors ' yard in the parish of St Andrew , Holborn , of which Stonecutter Street possibly marks the site .
24 These are the facts which Mr Evans-Pritchard , who has lived in Guatemala , thinks are inventions : Rigoberta Menchu 's father , Vincente , a respected peasant leader , and founder of the Peasants ' Unity Committee ( CUC ) , was killed during a peaceful protest at the Spanish embassy in 1980 .
25 The rich , however , also expanded the market for more modest goods than silks , Chippendale furniture and ornate carriages , for they also purchased uniforms for their servants and furniture for the servants ' hall , as well as the utensils for their great kitchens .
26 However , when the hinds and farmers begin to demand reform of the bondager system , the impermanence and insecurity of the bondagers ' lives is brought into sharp focus .
27 Leivi is particularly worried by the high levels of phosphorous and nitrogen in the animals ' droppings , which seep into groundwater .
28 In making specific recommendations on the wording and application of the Judges ' Rules and other matters , Fisher observed cautiously , but correctly :
29 Trials in Cuba , using shark cartilage in very advanced cancer patients , showed promising results , with evidence of a reduction in tumour size and improvement in the subjects ' well-being .
30 The arguments about the location , availability , approachability and cost of the solicitors ' offices emerge again in this context .
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