Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So , for example , your Orc and Goblin army could include up to a quarter of its points value as Dark Elves chosen from the Dark Elf list , or Chaos chosen from the Chaos list .
2 I agree to indemnify the Publisher against loss injury or damage ( including damages for loss of profits and all legal costs and expenses and any compensation costs and disbursements paid by the Publisher to compromise or settle any claim ) occasioned to the Publisher by any claim action or threatened proceedings arising out of a breach or violation of the above warranty , PROVIDED THAT such damages , costs and expenses are incurred pursuant to the judgement of a court of competent jurisdiction or settlement reached with the Company 's prior written consent , which consent will not be withheld or delayed unreasonably .
3 The Authors jointly and severally agree to indemnify the Publisher against loss , injury or damage ( including damages for loss of profits and all legal costs and expenses and any compensation costs and disbursements paid by the Publisher to compromise or settle any claim ) occasioned to the Publisher by any claim , action or threatened proceedings arising our of a breach or violation of the warranty in the preceding sub-clause a ) PROVIDED THAT such damages , costs and expenses are incurred pursuant to the judgement of a court of competent jurisdiction or settlement reached with the Company 's prior written consent , which consent will not be withheld or delayed unreasonably .
4 15.2 The Company agrees to indemnify the Publisher against loss injury or damage ( including damages for loss of profits and all legal costs and expenses and any compensation costs and disbursements paid by the Publisher to compromise or settle any claim ) occasioned to the Publisher by any claim action or threatened proceedings arising out of a breach or violation of the above warranty , PROVIDED THAT such damages , costs and expenses are incurred pursuant to the judgement of a court of competent jurisdiction or settlement reached with the Company 's prior written consent , which consent will not be withheld or delayed unreasonably .
5 Finally , with regard to cl 10 , it should be noted that no obligation to permit alteration of the goods to make them non-infringing is imposed on the buyer , and that the obligation to return infringing goods , subject to a refund of the price , is only imposed on the buyer where it arises not at the option of the seller but because of a judgment or settlement relating to the claim of infringement ( which is presumably not entirely within the seller 's control ) .
6 A paragraph , on the other hand , has its main point or direction indicated in the opening sentence , which is sometimes called a TOPIC SENTENCE .
7 The University has no obligation to assist students with fees , except where these are paid as part of a scholarship or award made by the University .
8 He and Bob Allen enjoyed ‘ hours of paradise ’ escorting the Miss Evanses home on Saturdays , and would bring them ‘ the pillage of the flower-gardens … with sonnet or love-rhyme wrapped round the nose-gay ’ .
9 All clubs received a letter warning them against organising practice or trial matches before the season officially starts on 1st September .
10 A hand feeling blindly for throat or arm or hair landed in the middle of Gabriel 's face , and Garvey 's fingers clung on like a starfish , pressing it out of shape .
11 This service offers different levels of cover against loss or damage according to the fee paid .
12 Their effect was to cause the indemnifier to suffer the loss or damage caused by the indemnitee 's negligence towards the indemnifier .
13 In Chapter 9 we saw that a manufacturer can be liable to a consumer for any loss or damage caused by the negligence of the manufacturer or any of his employees .
14 For example , injury or damage caused by the use of woodworking machinery [ other than portable tools ] may be specifically excluded unless you ask for it to be included and pay an additional premium .
15 These costs include the re-filling of fire extinguishers or damage caused by the fire brigade to a building to enable them to put the fire out and would be covered under the fire section .
16 loss or damage caused by the process of cleaning , repairing or restoring any article , wear and tear , the action of light or atmospheric conditions , moth or any other gradually-operating cause ;
17 B.1.1 put the Purchaser into the position which would have existed had such matter been as so warranted , represented or undertaken by paying to the Purchaser a sum equal to the amount by which the value or amount at Completion of any assets or liabilities of the Business ( computed for this purpose on the basis that full provision was made for the facts and circumstances in relation to which such breach arose ) was less or ( as the case may be ) more than the value or amount at Completion of such assets or liabilities ( computed on the assumption that the facts and circumstances had been such as to involve no such breach ) together with all costs and expenses incurred or any other loss or damage suffered by the Purchaser as a result of such breach ; or ( if the Purchaser shall so elect ) .
18 Upon notice being given to the Corporation that the motor car described in the Schedule is to be laid up and out of use for a period of not less than four consecutive weeks ( otherwise than as a result of loss or damage covered by the Policy ) and subject to the relative International Motor Insurance Card ( Green Card ) being returned to the Corporation the Policy will be automatically suspended as from the date upon which such Card is received by the Corporation except as regards loss of or damage to such motor car by fire lightning explosion theft or attempted theft and on renewal a refund of 75% of the pro rata premium for the suspended period will be deducted from the renewal premium .
19 maximum of two years ground rent , if the Policyholder is liable while the home remains uninhabitable as a result of destruction or damage insured under the policy .
20 The policies provide cover in respect of architects , surveyors , legal and any other fees which are necessary to rebuild , repair or replace the home , following destruction or damage insured under the policy .
21 Removing debris , dismantling , demolishing , shoring-up or propping up the home following destruction or damage insured under the policy .
22 If , following destruction or damage insured under the policy , additional works are required to comply with building and government regulations and/or local by-laws , then the cost of the additional works will be covered under the policy , unless :
23 The specifically indeterminate forms that inhabit the underside of misericords — birds with human heads , dragons with foliage tails — give way to bats , cats , men — on horseback or performing somersaults under the ledge to balance it on various parts of their anatomy .
24 Perhaps she had intended to restore it to working order but with increasing age had n't been able to summon the energy or enthusiasm to cope with the disturbance .
25 ( b ) Where however the prosecution evidence is such that its strength or weakness depends on the view to be taken of a witness 's reliability , or other matters which are generally speaking within the province of the jury and where on one possible view of the facts there is evidence upon which a jury could properly come to the conclusion that the defendant is guilty , then the judge should allow the matter to be tried by the jury .
26 But otherwise , on the principle stated by Lord Lane C.J. in Reg. v. Galbraith [ 1981 ] 1 W.L.R. 1039 , if the prosecution evidence is such that its strength or weakness depends on the view to be taken of its reliability , the magistrate is entitled to act upon that evidence in deciding whether there is sufficient evidence to justify an order for committal .
27 The interest in question has to relate to the land or building covered by the application so that , for example , an application for a change of use for a third floor does not require notice to be served on anyone with an interest in any of the other floors .
28 Occasionally , courts and tribunals take the view that a dismissal or resignation given in the heat of the moment can be withdrawn .
29 And still , after Crime and Punishment , the idea of a confession novel or story tugs at the edge of Dostoevsky 's vision , and continues to do so for the rest of his life in the form of The Life of a Great Sinner which he planned on the scale of War and Peace , but which never got written though it fed previous material into his novels of the seventies , and especially Karamazov at the turn of the next decade .
30 Food contact surfaces : Although all food contact surfaces can transfer contamination the potential for causing infection or spoilage depends on the type of food handled and the stage of manufacture or preparation .
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