Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] had the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I certainly had had enough and so had the poor lady , judging by her slight breathlessness , flushed cheeks and waving handkerchief .
2 The meat was cylindrical and bloody , and still had the furry skin on .
3 Quite apart from its technical ingenuity , its wily thematic evolutions and transformations , I love its eccentricity : only Bernstein could have ‘ tuned in ’ to Plato 's timeless dinner party and still had the last laugh .
4 One of them , Neil , could — like his father — turn his hand to anything , and also had the same sense of humour , which nothing could quench .
5 It was painted a drab olive grey to look like a German staff car and even had the monthly enemy air recognition panel painted on the bonnet .
6 One councillor governor champion co-ordinated a petition from children and parents and even had the full council in chamber addressed by a group of young children in successful campaigns for a new swimming baths for the area and for greater access by children to school playing fields outside school hours .
7 The point estimate for the study by Barclay et al is close to the combined estimate ; that by Vijayaraghavan showed least effect but also had the lowest mortality in the control group , and its confidence intervals include the overall community study reduction of 30% .
8 Hrawi not only had a portion of the regular Army at his disposal ( under the command of Gen. Emile Lahoud ) but also had the added option of Syrian support in the event of a military expedition across the " green line " which separated East Beirut from West Beirut .
9 Signs of this were evident at Christmas and , happily , at Easter , too , Not only did Channel 4 go out in peak time with Granada 's king Lear on Easter Monday but also had the bright idea of showing us on that day , in Are you having any fun ? archive material demonstrating how the British had determinedly convinced themselves they were enjoying themselves as long ago as 1896 and as lately as 1964 .
10 This kind of organization was also important in the construction industry but never had the same force in ‘ process ’ plant production .
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