Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] on [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Each of these areas impacts directly or indirectly on the structures and regulations surrounding the media , on the work of the media , and on its degrees of freedom .
2 This Lenten time we focus our thoughts on the people of Africa and especially on the women and children of that Continent .
3 Yeah and especially on the fractions and the different types of fractions but you just find o found out what makes ninety have n't you ?
4 Increasing market share , becoming the low-cost producer , developing new products , and/or increasing employee productivity depend more and more on the kinds and quality of information systems in the organisation .
5 When will the Government spend less on advertising and more on the police and crime prevention ?
6 His explanation is partly geographical ( these composers , and the ‘ folk remnants ’ they use , came from relatively ‘ backward ’ Eastern European countries , where such archaic traditions still had valid life ) and partly on the grounds that the old materials are reinterpreted through incorporation in the composers ' radically alienated perspective and progressive language ( Adorno 1973 : 35–6 ) .
7 I get to the fence leading downhill and follow it , stumbling now and again on the rocks and stones left at the side of the field ; my eyes are still adjusting to the darkness .
8 ‘ Yes , but only on the grounds that it was n't their fault .
9 But in terms of the preparation for that , in bidding for grant aid , and it was very much tied into a successful bid for grant aid , that was forthcoming but only on the grounds that the scheme was committed by the end of December .
10 Erm , it 's certainly true that we reduced the total size of a particular team or unit dealing with international affairs , but only on the grounds that we actually felt that it was very important that all the teams should be working on international and European dimensions of their work , rather than seeing it as compartmentalised in one area .
11 We 're totally depenedant on them , but also on the lights and sound .
12 Tom King did try on one occasion to attack Labour 's defence policy — but mainly on the grounds that it would lose jobs .
13 It has taste buds on various parts of its fins and body , but particularly on the barbels and lips .
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