Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] we [verb] n't [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We are sorry to be negative but , quite simply , we just do n't trust you , or rather we do n't think that you yet trust yourself to know exactly what 4oz ( 115g ) of lean meat , 6oz ( 170g ) of fish , 2oz ( 55g ) of carrots , or 4oz ( 115g ) peas really look like .
2 conjures up images and I just object to the fact that people impose on us , degrenality , I mean I , I think lesbian 's and gay men have got a right to their life style as we have and I do n't think we should be actually imposing and I think that 's what a lot of society and what people come out with does er more or less we do n't agree with that and its wrong and its objectional
3 And so we had n't sent them .
4 When the United Trade Union Committee ( CUTS ) was formed , they established the post of Secretary of Women 's Affairs and so we did n't continue the work of AMPES .
5 These data matter much more to us than they do to readers or authors , and so we do n't plan to publish them regularly — unless readers tell us that they want them .
6 And we we go in car shopping and we always get our s shopping from , you know with it being cheap , and we go in her brother 's car , and so we do n't have to carry it back all the way from , but round here you see you 'd have to go out , you 'd have to take the kid with you , and your girlfriend , and then you 've got to come back with all the shopping and your kids as well .
7 But now she 's gone on holiday for a whole month and so we do n't have a drier .
8 The rest of us , without the cred and the bad dress sense , have to work for a living and generally we do n't regard the politics of envy as espoused by your paper as anything other than the ethics of the under-achiever and failure .
9 And anyway we do n't know exactly where it is .
10 Add to that the new guidelines that suggest that all er plans for major developments must go through the hands of an A L O and really we do n't have an answer for it , and if we are going to be getting 9 new civilian C P O's they 're gon na have their work cut out learning their basic craft before they even develop their A L O skills .
11 So we 've drawn the graph and now we do n't have to keep calcul I mean this is easy it' probably easier to work it out in your head then to especially with these figures .
12 I think there will be many differences in our education system now , we do n't know what er system we take from West Germany as you know , we have to overtake nearly everything and we have to lose many things which were quite good in our old system and now we do n't have the chance to er to bring it into the connection between East and West Germany , so that is one problem .
13 The final word on Tony Iommi 's custom-built JD guitar has to come from John Diggins himself : ‘ Apart from the fact that Tony 's been threatening to take me out for a drink ever since I 've known him , things have changed a lot , and now we do n't get the time to get together any more .
14 Unfortunately the label came detached from the image and now we do n't know who painted it !
15 Unfortunately the label came detached from the image and now we do n't know who painted it !
16 ‘ It would seem that for too many years little or no research was done on TB and now we do n't seem to have the answers when the questions are being asked .
17 Yes , yes , well I am too , and that we shall pay the penalty later on if we do n't get with us and I feel that erm , as difficult as the budget is , as tight as it is with reduction etcetera , I feel that we should make a positive funding for prevention or something , or er , because I think unless we do start somewhere , and quickly , we are going to pay the penalty at the end of the and so we 've got to make a date , you 've got to make a year , and if you wait and say and well we have n't got it now , well next year we shall say we have n't got it now , and the next year we 'll say we have n't got it now .
18 Mummy , we 've got Mum , you get up slide and then we do n't go to there .
19 We 're extraordinarily elusive about what exactly we believe in the Church of Scotland , we say , you know recognizing liberty of opinion always , and such things as do not enter into the substance of the faith , and then we do n't say what the substance of the faith is .
20 Okay , we do n't , but we do get them all tangled up by other people taking them away , and not bringing them back , and then we do n't know what we 've got , you know .
21 I mean we get some people that pull out er cancel or go under and then we do n't get the second year 's payment .
22 And then we have n't finished yet .
23 I think that the idea of erm you know , rushing in to a disaster , taking the aeroplane out , and , and seeing this enormous distress around one and sitting there with a notebook and a pencil is , is unacceptable and indeed we do n't do that at all .
24 The rain put paid to our next day 's match and consequently we did n't play until towards the end of the tour against the Jonor Rhinos , a team containing four Malaysian internationals , coached by a First Grade Australian ( who also played ) .
25 And yet we have n't come to terms with that .
26 A lot of people do n't like change , and yet we do n't want to stay as we are .
27 What I think we 'll do to start off with is to just put you on one inhaler and see how well you respond and if you only need it ev every now and again we do n't need to do anything else .
28 We dare not ask for the grace of humility , but perhaps we do n't need to when it is so often thrust upon us , thought Sophia , beating together eggs and sugar for a sponge cake , knowing that her cake would not rise as high as Sister Dew 's .
29 But obviously we do n't sell anything like knives or firearms which have criminal overtones . ’
30 Light always tends to curve downwards , but usually we do n't see it . ’
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