Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [vb -s] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The acid is still potent , and if 1 pint or more hits a living target it inflicts D3 S 6 hits .
2 Tolerates or even prefers a small amount of salt in the water .
3 The most fundamental issue at stake is whether it represents merely a continuation of the earlier process of suburbanization and metropolitan deconcentration , albeit on a much larger geographical scale , or instead constitutes a fundamental switch away from the urban concentration process associated with industrialization towards a new ‘ post-industrial ’ settlement pattern based on medium-sized and small centres ( Hamnett and Randolph , 1983a ; Robert and Randolph , 1983 ) .
4 Generally any firm receiving government assistance experiences a reduction in its costs which is unavailable to its competitors , and thereby achieves a competitive advantage .
5 Perhaps this is evident to ( at least some ) others and thereby creates a reciprocal intolerance .
6 In many respects the adoption of this approach increases the problems of containment and control and thereby demands a greater degree of commitment .
7 Although he does not adopt the frontal assault of Bacon on the ‘ perfect darkness ’ of a despairing scepticism , and eventually advocates a patient acceptance of our limitations , these limitations are , for him , not complete .
8 If they bend too much , the bee responds by moving its wings less strongly and so maintains an optimum speed .
9 The limpet , like Neopilina , produces shell at an equal rate right round the circumference of the mantle and so builds a simple pyramid .
10 It also encourages the community to anticipate such changes and so achieves a good part of the benefit of change without the waste of litigation , or the expensive , uncertain , and awkward process of legislation .
11 Practical work is an important part of the education of all engineers and so forms an integral part of all four years of the course .
12 It is in this sense that the former has a greater valency and so constitutes a better learning investment .
13 It is big — but it also happens to be Japanese , and so presents a juicy target .
14 The group invites specialists to assist in writing these documents and so encourages a wider circle of advisers on the issues we discuss .
15 Finally , in this brief introduction , what of the unflattering charge that social anthropology is the ‘ child of imperialism ’ ( some would say bastard ) and so carries an incapacitating stigma ?
16 But the sCD2 association shows several key structural differences from the standard V-domain dimerization and so provides a possible paradigm for adhesion interactions .
17 It can be assessed only by its appropriateness , but this depends entirely on what the pupil is writing about and for what purpose ( and so has a cross-curricular dimension ) .
18 Whether or not he does it , every person has a duty to God not to ‘ harm another in his life , … liberty , … or goods ’ , and so has a parallel right to defend himself against such attack .
19 An attractor that has a positive maximal Lyapunov exponent , and so has a high sensitivity to initial conditions , often has a very complicated structure , in that it may have a noninteger , fractal dimension , and have some of the properties of a Cantor set .
20 For example , sanguine Conté Carres crayons are made with a mixture of native earths plus softeners such as China clay , while the natural lump sanguine you can buy does not have these softening additives and so has a different texture .
21 Firm A has a balancing allowance in year 3 of 26.25 and so has its corporation tax reduced by 9.19 ( i.e. 26.25 × 35% ) in that year but ends up with a balancing charge of 23.75 in year 4 and so has an additional tax liability of 8.31 ( i.e. 23.75 × 35% ) in year 4 .
22 Kendal , to the east of Windermere , is just outside the Lake District National Park and so makes a good base to visit the rest of the region .
23 Before the album 's release will come a single , ‘ Your Loss My Gain ’ , that 's neither particularly immediate or commercial and so makes a surprising choice to re-establish him in the public domain .
24 It runs under Windows 3.0 or 3.1 and so needs a 386 machine and 2 Mbytes or more of RAM and a full installation requires 15Mbytes of space on your hard disk .
25 These verbs are very similar in sense , but it can be maintained that they are not quite synonyms , because shut focuses on the completion of the event , and so suggests an abrupt momentariness which chimes with click.6 In [ 9 ] , the separation of the " shutting " and " clicking " in two clauses means that they are conceived of as separate , though simultaneous events .
26 In some people , the system makes mistakes and wrongly identifies an innocent substance as an invader .
27 These take the explanation beyond the fact that Bonapartism destroys all other political institutions — legislatures , parties , and so on — and only leaves a bureaucratic executive standing , the point beyond which contemporary theories of ‘ military-bureaucratic oligarchies ’ largely fail to take us .
28 Nevertheless , the list of Confluent words which follows disregards the stances involved , which number almost nine thousand and are all named , and merely offers a few definitions , some of which must be regarded as tentative .
29 A smaller relative is the clouded leopard ( top right ) ; the snow leopard ( bottom right ) has adapted to life at up to 20,000ft ( 6,096 m ) and generally has a thicker coat .
30 From then on , she trips and twirls like a prima donna at an infant ballet class , gurgles and squeaks to the point of practically begging to be mercy killed , and generally flaunts a dodgy child sexuality that is neither funny nor subversive , but is stupid and dangerous .
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