Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [adv] they [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Even before the war with Spain ended in 1609 the Dutch were preparing to attack various parts of the empire the Portuguese had built up in the Indian Ocean in the previous hundred years , stretching as far east as Java and the other Spice Islands near it , and later on they also attacked the Portuguese possessions in Brazil .
2 However , they are not usually aggressive , except to members of their own kind , and even then they usually settle down without too much fuss .
3 George and the twins dared not venture near it except in the broadest of daylight and even then they usually fled at first sight of it .
4 I 'm standing there watching them , and then suddenly they just walk off .
5 They know their stuff inside out , but most importantly they also look like they are having a whale of a time .
6 Meandering roads , cul-de-sacs and dead ends are of course popular with traffic engineers but nearly always they simply increase our car dependence , lengthen walking distances and make it too difficult for buses to circulate .
7 That was bad enough but quite often they also took bribes directly from the people .
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