Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [verb] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Cut the salmon into thinnish steaks , arrange them in one layer in a well-buttered baking dish , sprinkle them with salt and seasonings , add about I oz. of fresh butter , cut in pieces , for every pound of salmon , cover the dish with buttered paper and a lid , and put to cook in the centre of a moderately heated oven , gas no. 3 , 330 F. In 45 to 50 minutes — a little more or less according to the thickness of the steaks — the salmon will be cooked .
2 The remainder , together with the open arable field , he divided into small squarish fields of eight to twelve acres each ( sometimes more or less according to the convenience of the farmers ) and parcelled out as farms among his tenants .
3 ‘ Rivalry within the PDPA is a phenomenon that more or less belongs to the past , ’ he said .
4 ‘ A judicial view of modern legislation ’ is a title ingeniously contrived to embrace little or much according to the predilection of the speaker and the patience of his audience .
5 It is a weakness in Dunn 's useful book Baptism in the Holy Spirit that he sweeps aside these dozen or so references to the Spirit in the first three chapters of Luke and insists that the kingdom did not come until the baptism of Jesus .
6 ‘ It is also difficult at the moment to know whether in the heat of a race the horse actually feels the whip or merely reacts to the noise made by it .
7 Again the goodwill is either inherent in the site or personally attached to the owner .
8 Doctrinally , the canons were undeniably Calvinist in outlook ; yet at the same time they expressed some ambivalence over the doctrine of predestination , and hinted at a recognition of the potentially damaging consequences of it being inadequately or incorrectly explained to the laity .
9 I used to wonder whether they were actually taking in the meaning of what I was saying , or just listening to the accent .
10 I thought you were here at first , or just nipped to the pub or something . ’
11 But she never complained or ever referred to the château as ‘ that damned place ’ …
12 It is a document about the Labour party 's policy attitudes and it rightly points out that more than half of Labour Members have either recently belonged to or still belong to the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament .
13 I am allowed a say on this question of standing up at football matches because I first planted my feet on the terraces at Barnsley when I was five and spent the next 15 years or more rooted to the spot .
14 The Public Order Act defines a public assembly as an assembly of 20 or more persons in a public place which is wholly or partly open to the air .
15 An assembly is defined as being a gathering of ‘ 20 or more persons in a public place which is wholly or partly open to the air . ’
16 The proposals in this Gracious Speech are either irrelevant or positively damaging to the raising of school standards .
17 ( 3 ) The register shall not be rectified , except for the purpose of giving effect to an overriding interest or an order of the court , so as to affect the title of the proprietor who is in possession — ( a ) unless the proprietor has caused or substantially contributed to the error or omission by fraud or lack of proper care ; or … ( c ) unless for any other reason , in any particular case , it is considered that it would be unjust not to rectify the register against him .
18 ( 5 ) No indemnity shall be payable under this Act in any of the following cases : — ( a ) where the applicant or a person from whom he derives title ( otherwise than under a disposition for valuable consideration which is registered or protected on the register ) has caused or substantially contributed to the loss by fraud or lack of proper care ; … ( 6 ) Where an indemnity is paid in respect of the loss of an estate or interest in or charge on land the amount so paid shall not exceed — ( a ) Where the register is not rectified , the value of the estate , interest or charge at the time when the error or omission which caused the loss was made ; ( b ) Where the register is rectified , the value ( if there had been no rectification ) of the estate , interest or charge , immediately before the time of rectification .
19 A public assembly is defined as a gathering of twenty or more people in a place which is wholly or partially open to the air ( e.g. a mass meeting , picket , demonstration or pop festival ) .
20 Where the plaintiff has expressly or impliedly consented to the presence of the source of danger and there has been no negligence on the part of the defendant , the defendant is not liable .
21 A State is bound by a provision of a treaty to which it is not a party if : ( a ) the parties … intended that the provision in question should be the means of creating a legal obligation binding upon that particular State or class of States to which it belongs ; and ( b ) that State has expressly or impliedly consented to the provision .
22 If you wanted to take them off or even go to the lavatory , you had to undo a complicated buttoned flap at the front .
23 Nevertheless if the vein deteriorated , then they stood to come out of their term ( usually , but not always , two months ) , with scarcely enough money for food or even owing to the company .
24 ‘ The two jobs go hand-in-hand and nearly everything I do is directly or indirectly related to the environment , ’ said Mike , who joined the business four years ago .
25 Research into colorectal tumours has directly or indirectly contributed to the discovery of three new tumour suppressor genes ; APC , DCC , and p53 , the latter probably representing the commonest genetic adnormality so far described in human cancer .
26 After some discussion the Lord Chancellor directed that the money was to be put into the hands of trustees nominated by the committee , or else paid to the Accountant-General — which was likely to lead to added expense .
27 8.4 If either party becomes aware of any proceedings or threat of proceedings relating to the sale or other dealings in the Licensed Products , to the Licenced Products themselves or otherwise relating to the subject matter of this Agreement ( including , but not limited to , proceedings alleging infringement by use of the Trade Marks or infringement of copyright ) , that party will notify the other immediately .
28 The [ defendants ] whether by [ themselves , their ] servants or agents or otherwise howsoever be restrained until trial or further order from : ( a ) delivering up or disclosing to the grand jury in the County of New York empanelled in the matter of the People of the State of New York v. John Doe ( B Bank ) or , without the prior consent of the plaintiffs , delivering up or disclosing to any third party otherwise than in connection with and for the purposes of the business and trading of the plaintiffs or any of them , all documents and information contained therein held by [ these defendants ] at [ their ] branches in London or elsewhere within this jurisdiction concerning or relating to the plaintiffs ' accounts with the [ defendants ] or any of them or otherwise relating to the business of the plaintiffs or any of them ; ( b ) without the prior written consent of the plaintiffs ' solicitors herein , removing from the jurisdiction of this court any of the documents referred to in subclause ( a ) hereof or any copies thereof .
29 The binary policy , which is central to the history of higher education from its elaboration in the second half of the 1960s , and intimately related to the history of the CNAA 's own policies and operations , is explained by many or all of these factors , but can not be separated from perceptions of the roles and attitudes of the universities that we have previously discussed , and which were part of the decision-making environment of the mid- and late 1960s .
30 Most of the teachers lingered a few minutes in the staff room , not from any affection for the place , but to allow the unruly mob of boys to get down the long road that led to Cullbridge , and thence to disperse to the bus station , to Wimpy bars , the library or their various homes .
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