Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [verb] the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So that , no matter what they do , they are more or less giving the same performance each time .
2 If you have a lot of different dates to enter , either use a keystroke macro — something that I will cover in a future Step-by-Step ( but see ‘ Further Reading ’ ) or just enter the same date , say @DATEVALUE ( ’ 1-Jan-90 ’ ) in the first cell , copy it down the column for as many rows as you expect to need and then edit it ( using F2 ) to enter the real dates .
3 Ask the thousands of FOBs — friends of Bill — why they have long thought that he would one day be a great president and their replies will sooner or later share the same point .
4 You find out what 's wrong with what you 've done and sort of go off in another direction , or maybe follow the same direction slightly and veer off .
5 Or it may be that you are not introducing enough variety in your activities , either always doing things in the same few ways , or else doing the same activity for too long a time at one stretch .
6 go beyond the association between the epidermal growth factor ( EGF ) receptor , Grb2 and Sos , and show that , in Src-transformed cells , the Shc adaptor protein replaces the EGF receptor as the phosphotyrosine target and presumably achieves the same end point ( activation of Ras ) .
7 Shares , goes the patter , are products like any other and so deserve the same marketing effort .
8 Indeed , his account of their interests gives the impression — and perhaps gave the same impression to Lanfranc — that they were a lot of old gossips chattering about wonders and miracles and gifts of relics , when they should have been engaged on more serious religious observances , or on the studies laid down in the Rule .
9 Any premium and rent paid to the landlord are part of the consideration for the grant of the lease and generally have the same treatment .
10 The new amendment relates to the bill 's effect on the legislation covering elections to the European Parliament and technically has the same effect as the Labour amendment 27 , which the Government belatedly said would not prevent ratification .
11 While in practice the IRR is a commonly used method and usually gives the same answer as the NPV method , it can be criticized on both practical and theoretical grounds .
12 ‘ In the summer he comes nearly every day and always does the same thing . ’
13 I have always had reasonable live-in accommodation ( having inspected it before accepting a position ) and , although on certain days I have worked non-stop , on others I have been very quiet and still received the same salary .
14 One of them , Neil , could — like his father — turn his hand to anything , and also had the same sense of humour , which nothing could quench .
15 Similarly , just as when expectations of inflation were zero actual inflation of 5 per cent might sufficiently fool workers to generate an unemployment rate of 3 per cent , now , if expectations of inflation are 5 per cent , actual inflation would need to be 10 per cent to fool them by the same amount as before and hence generate the same unemployment rate of 3 per cent .
16 2 weeks before the big game , he broke his ankle and then suffered the same fate in a Sevens tournament last April .
17 He grabs the top edge with his hands , thumps the face of the buttress several times with his feet and then does the same thing on the other side of the buttress with his hands before springing down to the ground .
18 Take this angle as a proportion of 60 , and then use the same proportion of the maximum drift .
19 Holding a length of silk in its beak , it then pierces a hole in the leaf and pushes the silk through it , tying a little knot in the end to prevent the thread from slipping back through the hole and then doing the same thing on the other side so that the two leaf surfaces are secured to one another .
20 Easier to back out of , and sometimes produces the same result .
21 Oliver remained in Fagin 's room for many days , picking the marks and names out of the handkerchieves and sometimes playing the same game as before .
22 For him it must be said that he went at once to report the death to authority , and then came back to us and again told the same story .
23 Fortunately most pet cats , if they do encounter a toad , quickly learn that it tastes bad and , after one preliminary nip , rapidly drop the squirming amphibian and never make the same mistake again .
24 Branson could spend ten times as much money signing half a dozen acts and never achieve the same effect .
25 A status group is made up of individuals who are awarded a similar amount of social honour and therefore share the same status situation .
26 The gabble continued , not repeating itself word for word but always saying the same thing .
27 The Parable of the Lost Son is much more involved but still follows the same principle that the son who was lost is found again .
28 of the defence budget and that no other known system could be so cost effective but still provide the same degree of security ?
29 Here , in the work of Picasso , the device of fusing or merging the subject with its surroundings allows the painter to insist on the surface unity of the picture but also has the same effect of allowing the spectator to reconstruct form beyond the boundaries stated .
30 This kind of organization was also important in the construction industry but never had the same force in ‘ process ’ plant production .
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