Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] have [be] [v-ing] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 London is miserable , rain and boredom and I have been drinking steadily in an attempt to instil some gaiety into my apathetic mind …
2 Wesley and I have been looking round at just a few of the many attractions this year …
3 It so happens Kelly and I have been looking forward to this weekend , and I guarantee that men will play no part in it at all . ’
4 ‘ I have n't spoken more than half a dozen words to your wife in the whole time you and I have been working together , ’ protested Matt .
5 ‘ Roman and I have been working so hard on this business fair , he 's promised to take me away with him when it 's over ! ’
6 My boyfriend and I have been going out for six weeks and everything is wonderful but it takes me honestly two hours to reach orgasm .
7 Celia and I have been battling away for months now and we do n't seem to be getting anywhere .
8 ‘ This is Anadarko 's first venture in the international scene and we have been working very closely with them , ’ Stephen commented .
9 Can I also say that , er yes , we were badly served by the press but I think that er the onus now is on those of us who went to Canberra to be able to share with others and we have been going round to tell others about Canberra to share with you and with others the experience of being present in the World Council of Churches in Canberra .
10 I did , for the first time in 1979 , when we spent a family fishing holiday in the Hebrides ; and we have been returning regularly ever since , constantly drawn back by the magic spell the Outer Hebrides cast over all who set foot upon her romantic shores .
11 As I have said repeatedly , there remain a number of people for whom we think it is right to do more , and we have been doing more through the income support premiums .
12 ‘ The boys are naturally worried and they have been phoning home to find out more about the situation , ’ Mathur said .
13 And they have been pushing hard to shake money out of any European Community project that looks remotely applicable .
14 Social anthropologists can and do study members of their own society and they have been doing so for a long time , though mostly they do not do it very well .
15 But I have been working away ever since and they have not done anything more to me .
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