Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] see [art] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the late 1950s this order of dress was even more carefully observed and I saw a detective sergeant ordered home to change from Harris tweed jacket and flannels into ‘ proper clothing ’ .
2 But if I were a teenager and I saw a TV star telling me that he had taken coke , I would reckon that there must be a reason why the famous spend a fortune on this drug .
3 I had on the Ring of Luned that brings invisibility , and I saw the Glass Castle and the chains hanging in the Great Tower .
4 And I saw the science club one about the bones .
5 Almost one might , says the other Robert , and I saw the seed fall on fertile ground , and there he 's tended it ever since .
6 Well fuck when I come back up he near had the fucking front door broke trying to get it open so that they 'd come in the front and I see the kitchen door 's closed and I just walked in and I said well John the dishes or nothing 's done if you wan na go and have a look because he would n't do them .
7 on Saturday and yet , that you have to be careful because they they have that I 've forgotten what her name was on on Wogan saying next time you go into a D I Y store and you see a mahogany toilet seat you know do n't boy buy it think of the forest .
8 He frowned and she saw a muscle twitch in his jaw .
9 The blood crust cracked , and she saw the night sky .
10 Trev 's Browning skipper Tony Marti said : ‘ We fished a Super League practise session last September and we saw an oil slick coming down the canal then .
11 One of these er , I suppose it 'd be a ballpoint or whatever you call it and this , I 've still got it , it says on the Queen Elizabeth , see , and er , you see , we said , we said , well never mind very much , we can have something a snack afterwards and so we stayed on there from eleven o'clock in the morning until three in the afternoon , you see , and er er and we were wandering around and we saw the dining room , we saw the captain 's table and er , you know it was , and , and then we looked along one deck , we were high up , and down below there were rows of , rows of lifeboats in case you see
12 As they passed the third cave , the golden bee flew out of the woman 's sleeve , and they saw the lightning flash and heard the thunder crack behind them .
13 Baldly expressed , those who subscribe to that theory see it as important to explain the process of public policy-making since that is regarded as the essential stuff of British politics itself ; they see interest groups as of central and determining influence in that process ; and they see the group process as enhancing of democracy in Britain .
14 Thus if B accepts S's repudiation in June and he sees the market price begin to rise , he has a reasonable opportunity to minimise his loss by buying replacement nuts immediately at less than £110 per ton .
15 Nothing could be heard above the noise of the engine , but I saw a lark spring skywards out of the heather , and another , a few minutes later , sink to its rest .
16 But you see the rent Father
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