Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] have [be] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Lindsey and Pete had started talking about having a baby when she was fourteen , and did so the following year : Pete and me had been together for eleven months and loved each other more than words could say .
2 And I 'd been there from six in the morning till quarter to nine .
3 And I 've been all round the place .
4 First of all I thought I 'd tell you who I was I 'm a G P in er in New Harlow , in Bush Fair , and I 've been there for nearly three years now .
5 Done quite a wee bit and I 've been there at a few of their , quite a few of their meetings and erm a good friend of quite a few of the councils .
6 And I 've been there since Alpha and I every year I 've looked out and watched the form twos .
7 Dermot and I had been together at Eton but then Dermot was one of the Lower boys who came when I shouted " Boy " .
8 And I had been once in a , a cruise liner to the Canary Islands and Madeira in nineteen thirty five .
9 You got half an hour plus ten minutes relief for your refreshments and that would happen at ten in the morning and you 'd been there since seven .
10 And she 'd been right about the red roses .
11 And we 've been all over the place have n't we Arthur .
12 But what I really liked was his face and we have been together for around five years .
13 Jack says practically that there is n't a beast because they 've not seen it and they 've been everywhere on the island .
14 and he 'd been away for three months so that you know I mean
15 William always went that step further into life 's nightmares , and he 'd been closer to it , to start with .
16 He 'd had himself painted and sculptured again and again , and he 'd been there for all the world to see .
17 Schofield 's Europe , that 's his second tour , and he 's been all round the blinking Europe
18 If the adventurers ask about the Oracle himself , he will give only the barest of details ; that he is a seer into the future , a servant to his master ( Drachenfels ) , and he has been here for — he ca n't remember how long .
19 It 's rather like er I had a plant the other day , a marigold , and it had been there for about two weeks and it was a lovely plant , and er I noticed it beginning to droop and I thought , oh well it 's finished now , it 's in a pot .
20 And it had been so since the day that she had turned to leave Sycorax at the hot springs .
21 ‘ All the power we could ever have wanted , and it 's been right under my nose for years . ’
22 But I 'd been home for two hours when Silvia got back .
23 She had n't known Mark very well , but she had been there for Robyn when he had died , seen the agony that her friend had gone through .
24 But we 've been here for thousands of years !
25 But they 've been there for twenty years on that spot .
26 He was tempted to go in and get it over , but he had been away from his temporary headquarters for a long time and he did not even know if the body had bean recovered successfully .
27 But he had been there at the right time , he had acted swiftly and effectively and she was alive .
28 But he had been there with Montaine and he could n't bear to see the place again — not then .
29 ‘ People say the earth must be sour , but it has been there for eighteen years and still grows plants .
30 I 've always been a d-i-y enthusiast , but it 's been more through lack of funds than genuine enthusiasm — not exactly a good basis for totally renovating a derelict house .
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