Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [vb base] it [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 That 's my pocket notebook and I keep it up to date , that 's another piece of equipment I use .
2 made with all milk you see , and I put this on the other day , it was Monday , and I put it on for a cup of coffee , well Jim was out the front with Tom cos Tom fixed the front door
3 I thought no one could do that to my youngster , and I put it out of my mind . ’
4 That surprised me and I put it down to Christmas and a slight slackening of my efforts .
5 And I put it down to having a fairly bad circulation and I 'm get getting my circulation back , using a product called and going on this er hair programme and my hair is beginning
6 I say that was naughty I normally wash them up and I put it back in there
7 I knew my mother would want me to stay and I put it off for months .
8 I brought a keyboard and an eight-track machine , and Juan and I set it up in my apartment on campus , even though we were n't supposed to play music loud.Then I made my first record , Triangle Of Love .
9 I have to write to them and ask them and about a month later they reply to me and I pass it on to her .
10 I WAS told this story of a young single mother , and I pass it on as an example of life in this grand country .
11 That ground has not been strongly urged and I leave it out of account , but so far as the other grounds are concerned I am satisfied that there is validity in that criticism and those are matters which ought to have been taken into account and , being matters which are relevant , in my judgment , that is a reason why this appellate court can and should intervene .
12 Therefore once you everything settles and you switch it on at night or in the day , anytime , as soon as somebody opens the door , the bell will go off .
13 In that you allow the tide to come in and then effectively close her down , so storing the water at the high level of the tide and you let it out through turbine generators when the sea is low , and the water running out , therefore , generates electricity .
14 of course , when you get one of those calls and you divert it back to the switchboard or divert it direct to when you put the phone down pick it up and dial zero , so you put another call through to headquarters community affairs and its not through us
15 Because all that happened to you , but you could n't use up your energy , you could n't help that child across the road , and suddenly you 've got to get rid of all that , and you take it out on the child .
16 And you think , Oh what does this mean ? and you look it up in a dictionary wicked and you think , Oh
17 It was thing with two prongs and you tap it in like that and it lifted the neeps , then you did that with the yeuk
18 He said it was to go with the wagon to Ramsey , and we put it in among the logs , well wedged in .
19 A trail leads above the fall , and we follow it back into a narrow gorge , proceeding carefully — at times it is only a foot wide , and 50 feet above the creek .
20 I was I was looking at the syllabus last night and I was working out how much we 've got to do yet and where we are an and I really do feel confident that no matter where you are in your course work situation , that if w if we planned the thing right and we sort it out between now and the summer , tha that we could well get a good few Grade A's in here and obviously work it well .
21 Half of the wine and they top it up with water .
22 And they take the cartridge out and they send it down to Cardiff which is where Mel is
23 Look , if , if somebody charges you three hundred pound , and you say that 's too much and you complain and they knock it down to two fifty , but they say but we want you to pay fifty pounds on something else , extra , do you think the two fifty 's fair , eh ?
24 And they roll it over like that
25 It 's common all over the Pacific , and they drink it out of big wooden bowls , passing it round the circle . ’
26 Because they 've been good boys we 've helped them extend their landholdings and they lease it back to their own peasants at exorbitant rates — that 's why their own people call them pirates . "
27 Now at the beginning of the year , I have no idea how this particular week in November is going to pan out , so I ca n't put it in for a specific day , but I put it in on the Sunday , because it 's specific to that week .
28 But I put it down to a natural wish on Jefferson 's part to protect what for him was a considerable investment in a new club and , if Harley 's new agent had exacted his usual pound , or stone rather , of flesh , a considerable investment in a golf pro .
29 ‘ I thought about that too , sir , but I put it out of my mind . ’
30 There 's a file of that , of course , but I make it up from my working diary , and nobody will know if I make some extracts from the diary . "
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