Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [adv] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 or I just wait till the mix .
2 In America that either means you made it , or you just got off the boat .
3 If a user wants to read all the news stories on say , Lloyd 's insurance , he or she simply types in the name on a computer keyboard and a complete list of stories appears on the screen in seconds .
4 It will all depend on the choice to be made by the national legislatures , and in the case of countries which make the third choice the employee 's option not to transfer may give the worker no more than he or she already has under the Mikkelsen doctrine i.e. the option of going over or resigning from employment with the transferor .
5 Course we was feverishly trying to chip the bricks and things off the horse then how , what had happened because we 'd got two stalls for them , and there was pigs in the one side and the horse in the other one , but of course when we eventually came to it , or they eventually came to the horse , he was dead , been killed standing up there like , you know and er , poor old pigs was all dead as well and as I said , about a hundred fell and two or three would been blown sky high .
6 Players hide the studs from referees by showing him their reserve pair — complete with regulation studs — and them quickly switch before the game .
7 As Chief Inspector of Accidents it was within my domain to agree or reject the proposal , so Geoffrey Holton telephoned me at my home that Sunday morning and I immediately agreed to the UK being responsible for the investigation .
8 I live next to a private golf club , and I regularly walk past the 3rd hole and 4th tee area , and rarely see either in use .
9 We start in ten days and I firmly rely on the goodness of Providence to grant me a safe and prosperous passage .
10 It 's just that , well , I was passing Mr Connon 's house and I just looked over the hedge and I saw someone .
11 so I tap on the window , had just gone past and I was just about to go in his room , you know , cos he 's standing there and I just tapped on the window come outside Nick had just walked by and Rick and were talking you know it 's not like the dead of night and everything 's quiet
12 So I got very , very depressed about it all and I just said to the officers , ‘ Put me in my cell and leave me alone .
13 Ye , yesterday afternoon , as a matter of fact , I walked up to the gate and I come back and I just walked across the lawn and I I felt the sun .
14 And then the next lot of lights sucks me to it and I just slide down the street .
15 conjures up images and I just object to the fact that people impose on us , degrenality , I mean I , I think lesbian 's and gay men have got a right to their life style as we have and I do n't think we should be actually imposing and I think that 's what a lot of society and what people come out with does er more or less we do n't agree with that and its wrong and its objectional
16 and I just got through the traffic lights first thing in the morning and there was two light
17 The European community on the other hand also saw a growth of output of over twenty percent , twenty three point seven percent but that gave rise not to eighteen million but to only six million additional jobs and I just say to the honourable gentleman the lesson for Europe is to go further down the route that I have suggested of further deregulation and less bureaucracy and a stable economic framework , than to go down the route that he is advocating in his short address and question to me .
18 Florals are very much back and I just float about the place in them .
19 Well I have n't suggested a a figure , I made reference and I also referred to the fact that when you then discounted completions , identified sites , and existing measurements , you would be approximately eight hundred and fifty dwellings short .
20 Faith and I also flew around the pattern and it felt great despite small problems with the tape out on the aircraft to protect the patches stitched on in Bangkok .
21 When I was 15 I saw doing Richard II for the RSC at Stratford , and I instantly fell into the grip of an obsession .
22 The trainers are rarely used , and I generally return with the paperwork untouched .
23 Partial topic framework existing in a conversation between K ( 20+ , female , Edinburgh-resident , university student , … ) and J ( 60+ , male , Edinburgh-resident , retired , … ) in P Working Men 's Club , Edinburgh , … ) at T ( early evening , spring , 1976 , … ) mentioning ( J's three children — J ‘ s brothers — the schools they attended — the schools J attended — that J did badly at school — J left school at fourteen ) when K asks J what he did after he left school J : oh I done odd jobs like + paper boy + chemist 's shop worked in a chemist shop + and done two or three others+ and I finally started in the bricklaying + so I served my time as a bricklayer + K : that 's good money J : nowadays it is but in that + when my time was out it wasn't+ it was only three pounds nine a week + so + + K : my father was a stonemason and he started at home + and they were paid a halfpenny an hour extra for being left-handed + +
24 Er , and I got up and I protested about it , on the grounds that if they could n't run a great big pop hall for , and I wholly agreed with the idea , of of them providing the facility .
25 Sir Henry and I both looked at the picture .
26 It was a great bonus to me to be near Sarah , and I frequently went on the bus to Harpenden .
27 Chris and I soon fell into the swing of peat-cutting .
28 I gratefully adopt the summary of facts set out in the judgment of Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. , which I have read in draft , and I respectfully agree with the general propositions of law which he lays down .
29 Neither the probate line of cases nor the donor line of cases is appropriate to apply to the present situation which is entirely different and I respectfully agree with the observations of Staughton L.J .
30 I mean I , I was quite fascinated having lunch one day with a journ a Melbourne journalist erm and this was about six months after Murdoch had taken over the Melbourne Sun all this and we were chatting away and I actually threw in the stuff which were saying about how papers are there to make profits these days so that 's what drives them and that journalists journalists on newspapers such as Murdoch 's papers , write what they 're supposed to write and she and I got quite out of with one another and and the bottom liner was that she , she absolutely totally and utterly denied what we were saying and I said to her okay if you were given a story to write you know and it was opposite to how you would view it , what would you do and she said oh well I , I would have to write it and the issue with the Murdoch papers and it 's quite interesting because I mean I 'm sure you can with other newspapers but I , I 've just got a bit more is that Murdoch never ever writes a minute or a memo to his editor or staff saying this is what the line is ever .
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