Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [be] [vb pp] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He or she was given considerable powers , and had to be consulted by LEAs over their general development plans and any specific proposals to establish , close or alter schools ( this changed under the 1980 Act ) .
2 My parents were 21 when they wed , and I was born 10 months later .
3 My charge was supplying cocaine and I was given two years for that and one year each concurrent for possession of small amounts of cannabis , cannabis resin , amphetamines and LSD .
4 We knew the Germans were still sentimental about Christmas , and I was given several days leave .
5 You must have , you , you must have you keep telling me that you 're doing all these extra hours and you 're owed two weeks ' holiday
6 well I thought well if it checks me another six months at least when they say have you got any experience , but as I say I 'm still in touch with Mencap and I 'm still in touch with mine and I 've also er put in for , what they call them mobility insistence for the Princess Marina which again an education and you just go in and be , be a friend to somebody and you take them out for an hour , er a couple of hours , you , and you 're paid five pounds eighty for a two hour session
7 Do that and you 're guaranteed 20-plus goals .
8 Lawyers for her husband contested her action in the High Court in London on Wednesday and she was given seven days to hand them back .
9 And then , after two years , we were allowed on to the wards in our white coats and we had to erm find out about the patients and initially we were all very slow and we were given two hours to talk to a patient to find out all about them .
10 A Section was made up of those who had passed the 2ème Bureau interview , and we were given red strips of cloth to wear on our epaulettes to show that we had passed our selection .
11 We have the stories first usually before you and they 're allowed two stories each and if they have any more then it 's up to you .
12 No , the ones at the front of the store were for seventy P and they were marked firmed tomatoes , the others at the back were sixty P and they did n't say firm on them so I thought well , firm probably means hard , I 'll get the , get the others , so I 'll skinned a couple of them for tea
13 ‘ He 's an intelligent boy , very sensitive and he 's seen other players leave Forest and things not go well for them .
14 Brian Horton says that Joey has signed a three year contract and he 's sold enough players to last him a lifetime …
15 I , I look at these science things where , you know , they 're sending these things , America 's sending them , it 's been going for two year thousands of miles an hour , you know , probably a minute er and the as the man came over who went to the moon , the top man , to lecture and he was asked innumerable questions and one was do you think there 's anything up there ?
16 The child was born on 10 May 1977 and he was adopted two years later .
17 In 1888 he played in three tests for the Australians touring in England and he was capped three times for England , playing in South Africa in 1895–6 and in the West Indies in 1896–7 .
18 His 34 , though , was the best score of the day ( and he was dropped three times , at 17 , 19 and 25 ) as India declined to 135 for 5 ( Tendulkar 31 , nightwatchman Ruju 1 ) by the close , with the fiery Hughes taking three wickets .
19 And it 's called Fancy Goods
20 And it 's called enhanced careers guidance .
21 He confesses he found the book 's success unreal and it 's taken several years to find level ground again .
22 The only useable machinery left in the workshops has been wrecked … and it 's thought industrial saboteurs could be to blame .
23 There clubs closed at 1am and it is understood local police liaised with managers before Saturday .
24 This is a new project and it is hoped new ideas may emerge to heighten road safety awareness .
25 Our accountant has been asked to attend and it is hoped any questions you may have can be answered by him or federation officers .
26 The Black Sea only recycles its water once in every 140 years and it is estimated Turkish beaches will remain contaminated by waste for more than a century .
27 The royal physician dressed the corpse for buried and it was interred eleven days later at Jedburgh .
28 ‘ Not in the conventional sense , but I was given moral codes of conduct to follow . ’
29 My father could n't come because he 's publicly declared his opposition to the wedding and my mother would n't dare come without him — but she 's sent good wishes through one of the cousins .
30 Gertrude Jekyll had not been available to design the garden at The Tamarisks when Lutyens had been drawing up plans for the house , but she was shown these plans and her advice was sought .
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