Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [adv] [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 If a user wants to read all the news stories on say , Lloyd 's insurance , he or she simply types in the name on a computer keyboard and a complete list of stories appears on the screen in seconds .
2 Partial topic framework existing in a conversation between K ( 20+ , female , Edinburgh-resident , university student , … ) and J ( 60+ , male , Edinburgh-resident , retired , … ) in P Working Men 's Club , Edinburgh , … ) at T ( early evening , spring , 1976 , … ) mentioning ( J's three children — J ‘ s brothers — the schools they attended — the schools J attended — that J did badly at school — J left school at fourteen ) when K asks J what he did after he left school J : oh I done odd jobs like + paper boy + chemist 's shop worked in a chemist shop + and done two or three others+ and I finally started in the bricklaying + so I served my time as a bricklayer + K : that 's good money J : nowadays it is but in that + when my time was out it wasn't+ it was only three pounds nine a week + so + + K : my father was a stonemason and he started at home + and they were paid a halfpenny an hour extra for being left-handed + +
3 I mean I , I was quite fascinated having lunch one day with a journ a Melbourne journalist erm and this was about six months after Murdoch had taken over the Melbourne Sun all this and we were chatting away and I actually threw in the stuff which were saying about how papers are there to make profits these days so that 's what drives them and that journalists journalists on newspapers such as Murdoch 's papers , write what they 're supposed to write and she and I got quite out of with one another and and the bottom liner was that she , she absolutely totally and utterly denied what we were saying and I said to her okay if you were given a story to write you know and it was opposite to how you would view it , what would you do and she said oh well I , I would have to write it and the issue with the Murdoch papers and it 's quite interesting because I mean I 'm sure you can with other newspapers but I , I 've just got a bit more is that Murdoch never ever writes a minute or a memo to his editor or staff saying this is what the line is ever .
4 Since then over 3000 family doctors have become fundholders , John Major has replaced Margaret Thatcher and Virginia Bottomley , Kenneth Clarke , and I now practise in the city of sails ( Auckland ) instead of the city of socks ( Leicester ) .
5 And you obviously believe in the system ?
6 Theseus and Antiope are finely finished all round ; but the back of Athena is left rough ( an important document for archaic technique ) and she clearly stood in the old formal kore-pose .
7 There were even rumours that her condition would force her withdrawal , but such scares proved unfounded and she duly arrived in the paddock .
8 And then you left us alone and we nearly died in the cold !
9 There was no lovelier place to be in fine weather , and we also rejoiced in the rain , because rain equalled kilowatts .
10 On the other hand there are times when the difficulties appear too great and we just throw in the towel .
11 Joey opened the Sierra and they both got in the back .
12 Simply highlight sections of data and they automatically appear in the Graph window .
13 If you think you would like professional help to draw up your c.v. , there are several firms that specialize in doing this , and they generally advertise in the personal columns of the upmarket daily newspapers .
14 promising life like frantic oracles ; and they only stopped in the morning , promised
15 and they only stopped in the morning ,
16 I was in the toilet , giving him a shot , and I come back in and he just stuck in the syringe , there was nothing you could do .
17 and Clifford , no Clifford said , the lads to each other are we going out again dad you know cos oh Margaret was in , yes , and there was some other boys , the boy across the road was eating something and the boys said and Clifford said do you mind if I just sit in the chair and be quiet for just a few minutes and he just sat in the chair and had his heart attack
18 Sometimes he finds it hard to understand what I want to say , but he does n't mind how long he waits while I repeat it , and he always understands in the end .
19 And he always wins in the end .
20 The aircraft Crew Chief had a routine that he followed when opening the bomb doors and he always stood in the same place ; fairly adjacent to one of the doors .
21 He could be so very intimidating when he put his mind to it — and he definitely looked in the mood to be extremely intimidating right now !
22 A plan of it had appeared in the Architects ' Journal the previous Friday , and it also appeared in The Times the morning after the Prince 's speech .
23 There should be the the aca station if you like , there should be the documentation , and it certainly seems in the New Testament that that is speaking with other tongues , it 's not the only thing of course .
24 They drive me to distraction : at first I refuse to fight back , on the grounds that life is sacred and it is not their fault that they are mosquitos , but I eventually join in the swatting that punctuates the quiet every so often .
25 They do n't always dress up of course but I soon got in the habit by trying on a Tommy Cooper-styled fez .
26 knock and shove me but I always get in the way .
27 I used to wrestle with my conscience as to whether I should ask Francis Bacon , but I never did in the end .
28 But she also concurred in the view that I was like my father .
29 Since then she had married someone else and been widowed , but she still lived in the district with their daughter , Anna .
30 The five million crimes recorded in Britain last year suggest serious social disorder , but they scarcely figured in the election .
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