Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [verb] i [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And you hate me for all that , of course , ’ Luke accepted neutrally .
2 You see they did n't do things then that they would have done today , you see , seven years and you see I at that time , well I used to used to have a day off and instead of having a half day a week we used to have full day a fortnight and so of course on my day off I came home to see what I can do to help , you see and er my mother died .
3 Erm and come back to you , perhaps in a week 's time and you talk me through those recommendations .
4 She is in the early stages of pregnancy , her belly gently swelling inside her pink dress , and she tells me with obvious delight that she is expecting a summer bambino .
5 I went to Hemel Hempstead er a school called in Hemel Hempstead that was only from the August till December when I left school and then the erm then the Headmistress , cos we had a Headmistress there cos it was a mixed school , and she recommended me for this here errand boy 's job , his name was .
6 During my stay in her country we were always together , and she saved me from many dangerous situations .
7 They took me along and they put me into this dormitory .
8 I had just turned sixteen and they put me in this place that was really for dossers .
9 And they reccommend me to other people .
10 And he irritates me by repeating things over and over again . ’
11 I played his game and he rewarded me with encouraging remarks about my cancer-free future .
12 ‘ There was one teacher , Mr Richardson , and he encouraged me in all the sports I did , really .
13 Gaitskell never adopted me in the sense that Harold Wilson did later , but I became quite close to him and he employed me in quasi-political matters .
14 And it worried me to that extent that I almost went without your okay and rang up Terry and said , please fix those blinds , because we have got blinds which cost almost two hundred pounds or something and or a hundred and nineteen pounds , and it seems they ca n't fix them .
15 With one of those insights which showed a mind much subtler than that of many of his contemporaries , he had drawn an analogy between logical positivism and surrealism ; but he told me on this occasion that he had once asked A.J. Ayer , as he then was , what political beliefs were compatible with logical positivism : to which the reply had been , not altogether to his surprise , that they would be decidedly left-wing .
16 I am bound to say that his personality and his voice with his Glasgow accent were a little disconcerting at first ( I felt rather as if I were being addressed by my highly educated carpenter ) , but he inspired me with such confidence as he went on that I forgot that , and of course one has to recognise that a new era in political life has dawned for England , the old aristocratic school is practically swept out of it , it is the dawn of the new " regime " .
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