Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [verb] [adv] at the " in BNC.

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1 Pa has given special permission for the godparents and me to stand inside at the Jonah window , while he does the immersion outside .
2 He went ; and I stared again at the Modigliani , caressed the Rodin , surveyed the room .
3 He walked off and I gazed blankly at the cricket match .
4 If I had found the cramped interior of the U-boat at Kiel oppressive , it was nothing to the claustrophobia I felt inside the midget submarine , and I marvelled again at the courage and calm that had enabled Place and his crew to live a daily life in such surroundings , far less undertake and brilliantly accomplish their mission .
5 And then we added eight two , which asked the director to explore the long-term viability of the estate , now we made that , and I said so at the time , the answer to that could be either positive or negative .
6 We opt for The Baker 's Wife at the Phoenix and all vote it a definite winner , and I wonder again at the jaundiced palate of critics who gave it a fair old drubbing when it first trotted out .
7 But that , it does n't say after the SAT , the written comment can be made er , where we send er D and I reports home at the moment , i.e. er , just after half term in the second term .
8 Her hands , like claws , clutched her cup and she looked sorrowfully at the lukewarm tea .
9 Everything she had thought had been a lie and she looked carefully at the things she now possessed with new eyes .
10 Roman drove steadily over the causeway and she looked apprehensively at the expanse of sea on either side .
11 She was tired out now , her eyes ached from lack of sleep and jet-lag , and she glanced longingly at the king-sized bed with its lace-trimmed peach silk sheets .
12 He gave her the rake and she went vigorously at the hay while he plaited a grass rope to put round a burden and heft it down to the byre .
13 The alarm clock woke Claudia for the second time and she sniffed appreciatively at the aroma penetrating her room .
14 Tears pricked her eyes and she stared hard at the floor .
15 His gaze dropped to her breasts and she shrivelled inside at the contempt in his tone .
16 Robbie was ready for a rest and some food , and she groaned inwardly at the thought that Fen would undoubtedly expect her to prepare a meal before she could eat and sink into her bunk .
17 And they said so at the er at the district council , went up to district and I asked for the support of the district council and er probably John immediately said , you have the full support of the district council for it he says and I 'll ensure that you get support with the result I also received four posters direct from the Edinburgh District Council with John photograph on it and with the caption st stating every old age pensioner should be signing here .
18 By and large , those extra ’ advantages ’ , as the Labour party calls them , for the employee have to be paid for out of the profits of the organisation as a whole and they eat away at the capital that the business would ultimately have available to reinvest in jobs .
19 Start the keys and paper at rest at the same place — the same height above the Moon 's surface — and they arrive together at the ground at the same time .
20 And he smiles afresh at the thought of what that particular victory meant to everyone who witnessed it .
21 Artai could not have declared any public intent to marry Jehana , Alexei realised , or it would have been the talk of Kinsai. probably there were rumours — nothing was ever entirely a secret at court — and he glanced again at the women who clustered at the other end of the pool .
22 ‘ Yes , ’ he said at last and he glanced across at the table .
23 His weariness rebelled against the prospect and he glanced across at the opposite window in search of some clue as to his whereabouts .
24 The door opened as she was counting her change and he looked suspiciously at the coins in her palm .
25 And he looked away at the crowd so near to him and felt a stab of real fear .
26 And he looked directly at the woman who had been the origin of his biting anger and smiled again .
27 ‘ Best be careful then , ’ and he tugged gently at the vest .
28 The lift doors parted and he smiled fleetingly at the couple who emerged then stepped inside and pressed the button for the seventh floor .
29 Er but I mean basically at the end of the day , I mean you have to think about to what extent you can increase your sales .
30 Her voice was judicial , but she quailed inwardly at the flare of anger that lit the blue eyes .
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