Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 See my dad likes videos and things like that but he wa he , I know he likes aftershave , he likes that Old Spice and that so I thought well I 'll get him something like that or I thought I sort of saw cos I 'm going shopping Saturday , I 'm trying to get it all Saturday if I can .
2 Or you leave your opponent with equal numbers in a row .
3 Often the press reports fail to state the facts completely or they slant their account of the case .
4 Or they made their contribution through Lutheran forms , as happened in the famous case of Greiter 's melody for Ps.119 , ‘ Es sind doch alle ’ .
5 It was a way of escape and I buried my nose in their fragrance .
6 As you know , you have always had my warm personal support , and I accepted your decision with deep regret .
7 The coffee hit the spot , though , and I drank my way through the whole pot and threw in a couple of cigarettes for good measure .
8 Fifty years ago , Debussy fans could only buy records of this or that piano piece from the Préludes , Estampes , Children 's Corner and so on , and I remember my pleasure as a child in acquiring HMV 's 12-inch shellac disc of Rubinstein playing the Prélude from Pour le piano ( labelled as ‘ Prelude in A minor ’ ) coupled with Ravel 's ‘ Forlane ’ from Le tombeau de Couperin .
9 We set off at a rattling rate , presumably to put some distance between us and the dozens of others still ponderously selecting items of clothing from their car boots , and I commenced my belligerence with a few barbed remarks about the pace-setting .
10 And erm it was like crooked and I got my nail behind there like that right ?
11 The weights moved , tumbling over me like a cold sack of potatoes , and I eased my head round them in order to breathe .
12 At the end of my reading , the lecturer asked the newcomer his name , and I heard his voice for the first time — a soft , warm American accent , with the rich , furry tone the English find so attractive .
13 At the hospital I got changed and was in the admittance room and I heard my dad outside saying , " Do you want me to sign for anything ? "
14 And I know my love by his way of talking
15 ‘ I 've been fortunate enough to work with the likes of Joe Mercer and Jack Charlton and I know my place in a football club .
16 New pastures indeed and I regret my lack of education in historical bibliography .
17 I could n't have gone to a better place because they 'd got most parts of the country and one thing and another and I fitted their bill to a tee .
18 I wondered — and I judged her age at about thirty .
19 With a final burst of furious rain , the sky cleared and I dragged my bag along the road in blinding sunshine .
20 Lights began to go on in the dark houses , and I relished my melancholy to the last drop .
21 Yeah and I had my bottle of wine and all drunk before the end
22 I was stiff and shaking and I had my face in my hands , crying unrestrainedly .
23 He paused in the doorway , ‘ And I wish you joy of your solitude , since that 's what you seem to prefer , but I warn you it 's going to be a wild night , so you 'd better make sure everything is secured before you turn in tonight .
24 He sat next to me and I wrinkled my nose at the sweaty odour emanating from the long , black , food-stained gown he wore .
25 Scawsby leaned closer and I wrinkled my nose at his sour breath .
26 Maybe you only get one chance at a fish like that — a particular fish anyway — and I blew my chance through not planning what I was going to do after I had hooked him .
27 It was much warmer , and I kept my sorrow to myself .
28 Every noise frightened me , and I kept my hand on my gun under my coat .
29 You will follow every suggestion she makes because the only way you can get back to Paris is on two feet and I doubt your ability to even walk across this room . ’
30 ‘ She spent Christmas with me and my wife Pam and I took her dog for a walk . ’
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