Example sentences of "[coord] [noun pl] have been [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There have been several imaginative schemes where special schools or units have been placed alongside mainstream schools .
2 Diverse cultures , religions and races have often found common ground and contact in rugby and lasting bridges between nations or peoples have been supported by sporting encounters at all levels .
3 The use , in pavements , of designs which were probably intended for ceilings or vaults has been considered by Painter ( 1976 ) , with regard to the mosaic from Hinton St. Mary , Dorset .
4 Baldwin and Samuel said that they were willing to serve under the Prime Minister and render all help possible to carry on the Government as a National Emergency Government until an emergency bill or bills had been passed by Parliament , which would restore once more British credit and the confidence of foreigners .
5 Adult speech which contains a relatively high proportion of statements or declaratives has been associated with accelerated language development in young children , while studies of pre-schoolers have indicated that conversations are more likely to be maintained over a number of turns if adults make positive contributions by adding new information ( Wood et al .
6 Had the Israelites been polytheists , like all the other peoples of the ancient world , a natural conclusion to have drawn from the defeat would have been that their god or gods had been overcome by the gods of the Philistines .
7 If any discrepancy reports are received it will usually mean that insufficient time or resources have been allocated for the offline system to carry out its verification cycle successfully ( or those resources are not appropriate to the maximum latency time ) .
8 Other streets or lanes have been found at Tullie House , Castle Street and Keays Lane , but their alignments and positions do not fit a regular , rectangular grid .
9 Or trees had been felled by age or storms and their rotting trunks left to become covered with creepers and fungi .
10 In a few hours of concentrated assault he could destroy months of determined surreptitious growth ; but then he would discover some other , overlooked area where things had been going to the dogs unheeded and some valiantly struggling patch of wood anemone or bluebells had been choked to the last gasp .
11 Sixty alleged Palestinian informers or collaborators had been killed by August 1989 , as the Israeli Defence Force ( IDF ) and Shin Bet ( the Israeli secret police ) increased their use of informers to set up paramilitary groups working alongside Palestinian collaborators .
12 The case of Goff v Gauthier ( 1991 ) 62 P & CR 388 has shown that it must be fair and reasonable for the vendor to rely on this exclusion ( see page 62 ) ; ( e ) to state that the vendor will not be liable to the extent that any claim arises out of or is increased by the acts or omissions of the purchaser after completion ; ( f ) to provide that the purchaser must give credit for the amount by which assets are found to have been understated , or liabilities have been over-provided for in the accounts ; ( g ) to ensure that the purchaser pays to the vendor all amounts subsequently recovered from third parties relating to claims that have been paid by the vendor .
13 There is a common expectation that mourners will visit the cemetery where the dead person 's body or ashes have been interred for a recognized period of time , attending to flowers at the grave and generally maintaining contact with the memory of the dead person .
14 Rural areas do not display the same concentrations of poor housing and poor social conditions , and as a result very few HAAs or GIAs have been declared in them ( Kirby 1977 , ; Dunn et al .
15 Sorry , I wanted to make two points , I think there 's a big difference between foresters like yourself and the people who 're actually out there logging , and you know , I have no doubt about the work you do at the Oxford Forestry Institute , and several of your tutors and lecturers have been to talk to us , and Friends of the Earth certainly is calling for sustainable management forestry .
16 Vein deposits in Dinantian limestones and sandstones have been exploited in the Northern and Southern Pennine orefields for a total production exceeding 2 million tonnes .
17 This latter was in fact the fee farm of the borough , which had come to be permanently assigned to the earls of Salisbury , whose titles and possessions had been conferred on Margaret Pole , daughter of the duke of Clarence .
18 Timber houses of several different periods and cultures have been reconstructed in various experiments , leading to a much better understanding of how such buildings were originally built .
19 From the bold opening words , in which Christian appears with his Bible in his hand and his great burden on his back , crying , ‘ What shall I do ’ , readers of all denominations and cultures have been entranced by the story right through to the end , when Mr Valiant-for-Truth gives his sword ‘ to him that shall succeed me … and as he went , he said , ‘ Death where is thy sting ? ’ and as he went down deeper , he said , ‘ Grave where is thy victory ? ’
20 Different companies and cultures have been integrated within a short timescale , with fewer problems and better results than had been expected .
21 Individual adjectives and adverbs had been obliterated by a tight foliage of tangled afterthought , single sentences were submerged in blotchily leaved overgrowth , narrow black paths of muddied fear meandered between the rustling syntax , and whole paragraphs were lost beneath the heavy lattice of trunk-thick deletions .
22 Previously , items such as tea , coffee , cocoa , sugar , jam , canned fruit , salmon and sardines had been sold from the same counters as their perishable equivalents .
23 He came before the meeting as Chairman of the Legal Aid and Fees Committee , and moved the resolution in sadness and anger — sadness because it soured relations with the Lord Chancellor and the LCD and because time that he would rather have spent constructively had to be wasted on futile bickering , and anger because of the way that barristers and solicitors had been treated by the Government , especially a Government that spoke of the need for the business community to make prompt payment .
24 Runners and riders have been selected for the new Permanent Secretarial jobs and buildings earmarked to house them , their masters and the unsung legions of civil servants doing new jobs almost overnight .
25 On one of his more exotic voyages a skull and crossbones had been tattooed on his shoulder by a Greek sailor who used ordinary blue ink and a sharp pin to stab the design into the skin .
26 The history of ModE /a/ is a traditional bone of contention , and views have been expressed on it by a gallery of famous names from Henry Sweet onward ( for a review , see Lass , 1976 ) .
27 there is an asymmetry between the incumbent and the opposition parties : ‘ the incumbent 's policies and personnel have been put to the test of very recent practice at the time of election , while the oppositions ’ probable performance can be inferred only from its statements of intention and its previous performance in office ’ ( Kramer , 1977b , p. 699 ) .
28 In addition , in its role as a Designated Research Centre the scope of research has been widened and contacts have been made with researchers in many other countries , including USA , Sweden and France .
29 Trees and hedges have been deformed by the fierce salt spray and strong sea winds during winter .
30 Gifts and bequests have been exempted from Inheritance Tax .
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