Example sentences of "[coord] [noun pl] and [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He was tough and strong , disciplined and unselfish — he was the epitome of the goal-maker , whose efforts were recognised by his colleagues and opponents and by the discerning fan , but were perhaps not so well appreciated by less perceptive onlookers or pressmen .
2 A study by Jones ( Jones , 1983 ) provides detailed evidence on the almost complete lack of communication between examination boards and employers and on the uninformed and arbitrary way in which employers use qualifications .
3 An important role in providing such information is played by COSIRA and SICRAS and by the industrial development bureaus operated by many local authorities .
4 The film , set on the beaches , in the bars and discos and in the shabby tourist rooms of downtown Acapulco , is distinguished by a central performance from Jackie Burroughs ( also one of the directors ) that is an astonishing tour de force of which it is impossible to speak too highly .
5 There can be a really heavy feeling sometimes between local surfers and visitors and between the real surfers and the boogie boarders .
6 She was born in the Rhondda Valley in 1939 and trained at the Birmingham College of Art and Crafts and at the Royal Academy Schools in 1965 , when she was living in Smethwick in the West Midlands , she won a Cinzano Art Foundation Award with her painting The Whale , which enables her to spend six months at the Academy of Fine Art in Rome .
7 He has made a major contribution to public understanding of science through his books , lectures and broadcasts and through the Exploratory .
8 The mutually rewarding relationship enjoyed with all areas of industry , commerce and professional life is reflected in research and consultancy assignments and commissions and in a successful series of part-time , post-experience and short course programmes for business owners and senior executives in both the private and public sectors .
9 They work predominantly in industries such as food-processing , clothing and textiles and in the multinational assembly plants in the industrial free zones .
10 In this context , the youngster must come to terms with his or her changing and changed body ; must try out the precepts , attitudes and ideals of childhood against the demands of the transitional and later groups among which existence now lies ; must establish himself or herself as an individual with rights and responsibilities and with a unique and largely self-determinant personality ; and must cope with feelings and impulses which have previously been only of the vaguest and most unformulable nature .
11 It should , however , be used as a management tool both by officers and officials and as a clear statement to members of how their subscription to and interest in the sport are being expended .
12 The Committee participated in the publication by the BPF of a new Form of Collateral warranty for purchasers and tenants and in the third edition of the form for funders .
13 Some critics of the inequitable distribution of services and resources and of the poor quality of much local provision have argued that the fault lies not only with local government but with antiquated central government organization .
14 The National Health Service administrator may be critical of the doctor who is profligate in the use of equipment and resources and at the same time the doctor may resent having to' account for expenditure to the administrator who may lack the medical expertise to understand why such equipment and resources were used .
15 Here is an area where the balance of advantage has changed since 1979 , from union leaders to employers and managers and from the consultative role granted to the unions to one in which they are virtually ignored by the government .
16 At 7 o'clock the office bearers , a number of the brethren and their lady friends sat down to a sumptuous repast in a granary tastefully decorated with evergreen and flags and after a long toast list the tables were removed for dancing .
17 The second is the broader area of information about the education authority 's policies and arrangements and about the individual school itself .
18 But if we move out of the fields and villages and into the great houses of Europe and the salons of fashionable society , we can see a revolution beginning .
19 Clearly the shareholders ' interest tends to be a purely financial one ; employees have an interest in the security of their jobs and the type of life they lead within the workplace ; consumers have an interest in the type and quality of the goods and services produced ; and the local community has an interest in the company as a supplier of jobs and livelihoods and as a potential threat to the local environment .
20 Organisation development ‘ is a complex educational strategy intended to change the beliefs , attitudes , values and structure of organisations so that they can better adapt to new technologies , markets and challenges and to the dizzying rate of change itself . ’
21 It also presents an analysis of these relationships based on an undergraduate sample and examined variations between institutions and courses and of the educational milieux specific to particular institutions and courses .
22 Among Sikhs , for example , many of the first male immigrants arrived in the 1950s , by the 60s they had been joined by their wives and children and by the 70s many of them had brought their elderly parents .
23 They served to mark conspicuous waste in the form of offerings and sacrifices and at the same time as objects of conspicuous consumption on the part of individuals highly placed in social hierarchies .
24 However , we see the thesis as overambitious since it only holds for certain groups and issues and for a particular period of British politics — and that period , may have passed at least for the moment .
25 Deer , antelope , buffalo and other grazing mammals have long been hunted by man for their meat and hides and for the other products they yield .
26 Now the G M B parliamentary group is a powerful and influential organization it 's well balanced between front-benchers and back-benchers , between men and women and between the youthful and , how shall I put it , the more experienced and as you would expect , its members are prominent in the attack on this weak , incompetent , and rudderless Conservative government .
27 Research reviews have also been carried out of existing knowledge about inequalities between men and women and between the ethnic groups in the UK in respect of both health and health care .
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