Example sentences of "[coord] [noun pl] [prep] the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 All of the above programmes are achieved through agreement or contracts with the Training and Employment Agency .
2 Although the precise information sought by Newco 's solicitors will depend on all the circumstances and on the roles taken by other advisers , Newco or its solicitors will generally request its accountants to obtain information and copies of documents in relation to the target business ( or if appropriate , in relation to each group company ) in the following areas : ( a ) constitution : memorandum and Articles of Association and other constitutional documents ; reports and audited accounts for the past three years and subsequent unaudited management accounts ; shareholders ' resolutions required to be filed ; ( b ) borrowings : details of all borrowings , bank accounts and facilities ; copies of all guarantees and indemnities and details of any intra-group arrangements ; ( c ) litigation : particulars of any pending or threatened legal proceedings ; ( d ) employees : terms of employment of and fees paid to all directors and senior executives and information about other employees ' standard terms and conditions of employment ; details of any trade union or collective agreements and codes of conduct or practice ; details of any current or proposed pension , death or disability benefit schemes and any recent actuarial reports ; ( e ) licences : details of all licences and consents necessary for the carrying on of the business ; ( f ) tax : details of all tax and VAT Returns made ; particulars of any PAYE , VAT or other audits ; details of any matters under discussion with the Inland Revenue ; details of any stamp duty exemptions , tax clearances or Treasury Consents ; details of any group asset transfers or arrangements for transfer ; details of any bonus issues , reductions of capital or other capital reorganisations ; group relief ; ( g ) arrangements with the vendor : details of any loans , agreements or contracts between the vendor and any connected persons ; ( h ) title to the assets : details of any encumbrances on property , any factoring agreements , hire purchase , leasing agreements ; list of debtors and details of standard discount and credit terms ; ( i ) contracts : details of material capital commitments , major agreements with suppliers and customers , contracts entered into otherwise than in the ordinary course of business .
3 Section 426(1) requires that with every notice summoning the court-ordered meeting there must be sent a statement explaining the effect of the scheme and , in particular , stating any material interests of the company 's directors ( whether as directors , members or creditors of the company or otherwise ) and the effect on these interests of the scheme , insofar as it is different from the effect on the like interests of other persons .
4 One of the issues to be resolved between the vendor and purchaser is the question of whether the purchaser is willing to take over either of the debtors or creditors of the business or whether one or both of these will remain with the vendor after completion of the sale .
5 ( e ) when negotiations or discussions between the offeror and the target are about to be extended beyond a very small group of people ( ie the persons in the companies concerned who need to know and their immediate advisers ) .
6 Is this wholly due to objections to using behavioural objectives or skills as the criterion as to whether pupils have really learnt from their education ?
7 The ability of the model to predict hypoxaemia in this older age group was not significantly improved by the addition of any other symptoms or signs to the model or by the use of a respiratory rate criterion of 70/min .
8 It was at those times , or times like the present as they went about the health-care tasks that were now so routine , that she most often brought up the question of this campaign over Tom .
9 ( a ) Examples of additional enquiries ( 1 ) Is the seller aware of any development or proposals for the development or use of property in the neighbourhood which might adversely affect the property or the amenities of persons living in it ? ( 2 ) Has the property to the seller 's knowledge been affected at any time by structural , building or drainage defects , flooding , dry rot , timber infestation or rising damp ? ( 3 ) Please confirm that any damage caused to decorations by the removal of fixtures and fittings will be made good by the seller before completion .
10 The types we can discuss generally involve the removal of rewarding events or objects from the child or the removal of the child from them .
11 There were so few possessions or comforts in the room that it was clear Mr Sikes had met hard times .
12 In fact they positively loved the types of food included in the diet , particularly the freedom of choice , not having to count calories or units plus the fact that none of the food was expensive or difficult to purchase .
13 The profit and loss account should disclose the results of continuing operations ( including the results of acquisitions ) ; the results of discontinued operations ; profits or losses on the sale or termination of an operation ; costs of a fundamental reorganisation or restructuring ; profits or losses on the disposal of fixed assets ; extraordinary items .
14 These three specific types of item that should be shown separately on the face of the p&l account after operating profit and before interest are : profits or losses on the sale or termination of an operation ; costs of a fundamental reorganisation or restructuring having a material effect on the nature and focus of the reporting entity 's operations ; and profits or losses on the disposal of fixed assets ( although not those profits or losses that are in effect no more than marginal adjustments to depreciation previously charged ) .
15 ( 2 ) Except with the consent of the Panel , the offer document must describe how the offer is to be financed , the source of that finance , the names of the principal lenders or arrangers of the finance and , if the financing or any security for it will depend to any significant extent on the business of the target , the arrangements concerned ( or a negative statement ) ( Rule 24.2(d) — see para below ) .
16 An order may be made , on application , for the joinder of another party or parties on the basis that common questions arise , the relief sought is in respect of the same transaction , or it is desirable to make the order ( Ord 5 , r 2 ) .
17 To solve the problem a practice grew up of lodging the certificate or certificates with the company or its registrars who endorsed each transfer with a statement that certificates covering the transaction had been lodged .
18 His Natural Theology — or Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity Collected from the Appearances of Nature , published in 1802 , is the best-known exposition of the " Argument from Design " , always the most influential of the arguments for the existence of a God .
19 Additional proposals include setting up an emergency fund to save buildings or sites for the nation and another for historic gardens ( two proposals which have met with approval ) , and cutting back on conservation grants , principally repair grants made to local authorities , amounting to £9.5 million annually , half of which has been on a pound-for-pound basis .
20 An applicant who believes that he is eligible to gain credit for prior learning in relation to some areas of study , sections or elements of the certificate or diploma programme of studies should contact the HCIMA Careers and Training Advisers who will advise him in how to proceed with an application for credit via the APL scheme .
21 A company is employee controlled if more than half its issued ordinary share capital and voting power is beneficially owned by full-time employees , namely individuals who work for the greater part of their time as employees or directors of the company or its 51% subsidiaries .
22 Professor Stewart Sutherland , vice-chancellor of the university , said that funding for the library was needed either from schools , colleges or institutes within the university or from the higher education funding council for England .
23 Ask yourself again if there are any contact points between the hurts or wrongs of the past and your present difficulties .
24 The forms tell strongly on the curving surface and the figure-zone is widened for them , its background left bare or scattered with small flower-shapes , a calyx of pointed leaves or petals at the base and the areas of fine lines reduced to narrow borders of two or three ( figs. 7 and 8 ) .
25 Provision of materials and expert personnel is only part of the requirement ; teachers need opportunities to pool ideas and programmes , share one another 's resources on a personal advice basis , find compatible people to whom to turn for educational and emotional support , meet together in courses and workshops at a variety of levels , often very informally , and find the unusual people or collections in the community that the Exeter project is noting and which have played such a useful part in the work of Devon schools .
26 2 not knowing what to tell patients or relatives about the surgery or care of the patient if asked .
27 But the odd thing was that it did n't fill me with the slightest sense of humility or feelings about the separateness and ‘ otherness ’ of nature , but with sheer , shouting joy at sharing that old world on a new morning with my wild Scots kinfolk .
28 Changes in the level of support in future years will only be made to take account of inflation or changes in the size and composition of the total population within each local authority area .
29 ( b ) There is no fact or matter concerning the proposed business or affairs of the Company nor any fact or matter relating to the financial forecasts which is or may be material for disclosure to any intending subscriber for shares in the Company which has not been disclosed to the Investors and any such fact or matter arising prior to Completion of this agreement will forthwith be disclosed to the Investors .
30 Where residential accommodation is occupied by two or more persons the occupiers may be licensees or tenants of the whole or each occupier may be a separate tenant of part .
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