Example sentences of "[coord] [noun pl] [conj] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And you will never discover how serious it was until the stakes are raised horribly high ; until you find that you are playing not for counters or sixpences but for every penny you have in the world .
2 In areas around faults or domes or near the surface ( thrust areas ) Tx can be significant .
3 Much of this Wilson was inclined to blame on the difficulties of getting suitable men to act as local delegates or secretaries and on the impatience of the seamen .
4 And yet this is the prior question , decided , as often as not , without reference to admissions officers , by school teachers or parents or by the lack of confidence of marginal candidates themselves " ( Ball 1985:86 ) .
5 205(1) ( xxvii ) " Term of years absolute " means a term of years ( taking effect either in possession or in reversion whether or not at a rent ) with or without impeachment for waste , subject or not to another legal estate , and either certain or liable to determination by notice , re-entry , operation of law , or by a provision for cesser on redemption , or in any other event ( other than the dropping of a life , or the determination of a determinable life interest ) ; but does not include any term of years determinable with life or lives or with the cesser of a determinable life interest , nor , if created after the commencement of this Act , a term of years which is not expressed to take
6 For these purposes a business or interest in a business does not qualify for the 100 per cent relief if the business consists wholly or mainly of dealing in securities , stocks or shares , land or buildings or of the making or holding of investments ( IHTA 1984 , s105(3) ) .
7 the laying , erection , alteration or repair in or near to any road of any sewer , or any main , pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas , water or electricity , of any telegraph or telephone wires , cables , posts or supports or of the apparatus of any electric transport undertaking if , in any such case , compliance with this Regulation would hinder or be likely to hinder the use of the vehicle for the purpose for which it is being used on that occasion .
8 They rely on an enormous amount of research capital ; that is , the expertise and knowledge built up by research workers or teams and on the body of knowledge generated by others who have undertaken previous studies .
9 And normally have had not less than three years ' experience in a junior or first line management post directly concerned with the provision of food or beverages or with the provision and servicing of accommodation .
10 But we are prepared to give some guidelines or pointers as to the practice and procedure to be adopted when a hearing as to a wasted costs order takes place .
11 They began by collecting information as traders or colonists but by the end of the sixth century B.C. they were already writing books on ethnography and geography to satisfy their taste for enquiry — for historia , as they called it .
12 Off the beach you can paraglide , jet ski or waterski and on the shore there is a go-kart track for those who wish to spend life in the fast lane .
13 Members to be Males or Females and above the age of fifteen admitted on paying One Shilling to Treasurer .
14 Rebleeding — bloody gastric aspirate , haematemesis or melaenas while in the hospital , after initial control of bleeding , and the stools had become normal .
15 There are similar provisions in relation to individual restrictions regulating minimum resale prices or charges as between a manufacturer and a retailer .
16 THIS IS just another area of the game where clarification , when required , need not come from fielder or spectators but from the truth-seeking ( and — finding ! ) eye of television .
17 The authority was opposed to the use of the equipment by its force and was ‘ very concerned that such weapons should not be used to quell public demonstrations or riots because of the likelihood of serious personal injury or death thereby resulting to individuals ’ .
18 The Corporation may at any time pay to the Policyholder under Section A of this Policy in connection with any claim or series of claims in respect of which the limit for any one accident in respect of one occurrence or all occurrences of a series consequent on or attributable to one source or original cause is applicable the amount of such limit ( after deduction of any sum or sums already paid as compensation ) or any lesser amount for which such claim or claims can be settled and upon such payment being made the Corporation shall relinquish the conduct of and be under no further liability in connection with such claim or claims except for the payment of costs and expenses of litigation recoverable from or incurred by the Policyholder in respect of matters prior to the date of payment .
19 In connection with any one claim or number of claims arising out of one cause for indemnity against liability in respect of damage to property the Corporation may at any time pay to the Policyholder the amount of the indemnity provided by this Policy ( after deduction of any sum or sums already paid as compensation ) or any less amount for which such claim or claims can be settled and upon such payment being made the Corporation shall relinquish the conduct and control of and be under no further liability in connection with such claim or claims except for the payment of costs and expenses of litigation recoverable or incurred in respect of matters prior to the date of such payment .
20 No right of appeal is afforded by the Act against the imposition of conditions on either processions or assemblies nor on the power to impose bans .
21 RTPA 1976 applies to agreements or arrangements between two or more persons carrying on business in the United Kingdom in the production or supply of goods or services or in the application of a manufacturing process to goods , being agreements in which two or more of the parties accept restrictions in respect of the matters contained in RTPA 1976 , s6 in relation to goods and those contained in reg 3(2) of statutory instrument ( SI ) 1976/98 in relation to services .
22 What makes the difference between these reports and our study , however , is the fact that we clearly divided patients with gastrooesophageal reflux from those with endoscopic oesophagitis into different degrees or categories and in the number of patients evaluated , which is less than 50 in all these studies .
23 Within organisations such conflict may take the form of strikes or go-slows because of the attempt by owners and managers to control the workers .
24 Remarkably , it is commonly the sufferer himself or herself who breaks off social relationships and activities because of a feeling of not being properly appreciated or understood .
25 They should not be denied atoms and molecules because of a lack of primary school laboratories .
26 Its goal was " to achieve a peaceful world where these basic values can be enhanced and where each individual can live a meaningful life with the full development of his or her personality and talents and with the guarantee of human and civil rights in a democratic framework of society " .
27 At the back of the church behind the pulpit were choir room , vestry and toilets and above the vestry a committee room .
28 Students will be expected to identify the strengths and weaknesses in their contribution to the investigation and to comment on their personal feelings and reactions and on the value of the learning gained to their personal and social development .
29 In general , regulation has become formal with more specific guidelines and rules than in the past , coupled with the abolition of many informal agreements such as the minimum commission system and single capacity of the stock exchange , and the interest rate cartel of the building societies .
30 Marks and Spencer is to stop selling organic fruit and vegetables because of a lack of demand .
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