Example sentences of "[coord] [noun pl] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively , you could select spiky , upright plants like agaves or yuccas to transport you across the world , figuratively speaking , to the great deserts of North America .
2 We might conceive of the aside as occupying a zone midway between the play and the audience ; we continue to experience the play , but we do so via the new information or attitudes given us by the character or characters speaking the asides .
3 Boni homines or échevins ousted them in the self-governing towns ; and slowly the day-to-day work of running courts in the non-franchised areas was taken over by knights or clerks with special knowledge of the law , leaving castellans to revert to their military role .
4 It undeniably happens to be the case that these phenotypic effects have largely become bundled up into discrete vehicles , each with its genes disciplined and ordered by the prospect of a shared bottleneck of sperms or eggs funnelling them into the future .
5 In some of the odes , this compositional method has a wayward look , perhaps leaving the modern reader with the suspicion that the poem is structurally flawed.1 It is not particularly troublesome in " Diffugere nives " ; even so , there are throughout the poem points at which a reader needs to take connections on trust , or ventures to read them into the text , because they are not foregrounded or overtly articulated .
6 The National Curriculum 's aims — to give pupils knowledge , understanding , skills and attitudes to equip them for the responsibilities and challenges of adult life and tomorrow 's world — will be widely supported .
7 Data could pop up in boxes around the screen , and in due course graphics , mice and icons led us into the wimps era ( window , icon , menu , pointer ) .
8 If the bat 's brain hears an echo from another bat 's cry , and attempts to incorporate it into the picture of the world that it has previously built up , it will make no sense .
9 ‘ I am asking for a mandate from the supporters and shareholders to put me on the board . ’
10 Most parents of children at poorer schools already know about those schools , though they do not have the information to confront the governors , teachers and heads to urge them of the need to improve the school .
11 The Tree Spirits were clinging to the black iron pipes that ran along the sides of the floor , using them as levers and pulleys to help them across the floor .
12 We owe it to our children and grandchildren to spare them from the epidemic of smoking-related disease , disability and death from smoking that has marked the middle and later years of the 20th century .
13 In the old days manufacturers produced the goods and salesmen sold them with the help of advertising .
14 Merchants could buy safe-conducts and licences exempting them from the right of wreck from the Duke of Brittany .
15 Silage was found mainly on the larger units as the cost of machinery and buildings put it outwith the scope of the small family and part-time farmers .
16 The Quartet can be read as a ‘ simulacrum of simulation ’ in this sense : it reveals the simulated nature of the projections , speculations , and reconstructions fed us by the oral media and the role of story-telling in all so-called ‘ objective ’ compilations of factual information .
17 Nurses volunteer their services when they wish to work and managers engage them at the times required .
18 So beautiful is this emotion that some scientists and poets regard it as the elixir of life and pursue it for no other reason .
19 Blood tests revealed Louise 's haemoglobin level was down and doctors referred her to the local hospital .
20 Evidencve of the original hospital is fading as new building and departments take it into the next century .
21 He sought mandamus directed not to the visitor but to the provost and fellows to reinstate him on the grounds that the provost and fellows had breached the rules of natural justice .
22 In addition , the approach offers an absolute but moving standard that facilitates research into the characteristics of the poor and measures to move them over the poverty boundary .
23 They undertook exhaustive consultation with Aboriginal people and others to involve them in the policy formulation .
24 Lord Morris said that a consideration of the facts and documents led him to the view that the solus agreement , the loan agreement and the mortgage could be linked together as an instance of one transaction and that the intention was that in providing that the mortgage should be irredeemable for the period of the tie it should become a support for the solus agreement .
25 Indeed , ‘ so much engaged with his Collections and twenty other matters ’ was he that he left it to prince to contact his colleagues and subscribers to inform them of the ‘ results of his journey ’ .
26 There are helpful tables and indexes to assist you through the mass of information offered .
27 I slide out of my smooth new womanly skin , and slide in behind the russet freckles and bristles facing me across the office to check this analysis .
28 It is aimed at both local authorities and librarians to remind them of the professional responsibilities of librarians .
29 The very shabbiness of Hamley Hall in Wives and Daughters endears it to the reader ; its neglected beauty makes it a home as the grand and prosperous Towers is not .
30 A new sensitivity to the subject is suggested by the series of laws and practices concerning it in the nineteenth century .
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