Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] from [noun] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 More comprehensive programmes , flexibly organised and stable from year to year , are required .
2 Birds were always with them ; robins watched with bright eyes and sang as they passed ; wrens flew suddenly and low from branch to bush ; great tits rang out their bell-notes unseen from the tree-tops ; tree-creepers trickled headlong and caterwise down the creviced trunks of the oaks ; woodpeckers kept up a constant drum-rattle on the hollow branches , the sound coming now from the right , now from the left , now in front , now behind ; wood-pigeons wooed one another in secret leafy recesses , comforting , encouraging , cajoling ; rooks sprang upwards cawing into the blue sky as they passed beneath their nests ; and higher still , up towards the sun , they caught occasional glimpses of great birds circling , buzzards , kites , eagles .
3 He saw Kypov , a comedy clown with a soot-smeared face and the back of his uniform singed and brown from collar to knee-boot .
4 Where her tooth had fallen nut a sturdy new one was forcing its way up , with frilled edges and ridged from top to bottom .
5 And four and a quarter hours later , when it actually was four , and the bedclothes both above and below were a mere conglomerate heap , and Tessa 's strapping behind had pushed right across the bed , and Bob was cold and stiff from head to foot , and had been neither asleep nor awake for a moment , it felt as though the solar system had finally run down and stopped , and closed off the ever-renewing spring of pure , fresh time for good and all .
6 I think it should have been the other way round because I was black and blue from head to toe .
7 ‘ I 'm black and blue from head to toe , ’ said Crawford then , ‘ I 've got eight pulled ligaments in my leg and bruises all over and , when I limp out of the theatre at night , these bloody bastards are walking up and down with signs saying ‘ English actors will be working next year — will you ? ’ .
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