Example sentences of "[coord] [modal v] [adv] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Kenneth Branagh may or may not make a convincing Hamlet , or Henry V , but his interpretation is unlikely to be dissected by an audience of Scandinavian princelings or British monarchs : when it comes to imagining how such exotic beasts behave , the performer has a head start on his audience .
2 This interaction may or may not achieve a successful conclusion for both sides depending on their level of skill .
3 Individual observers may or may not accept a particular observation statement .
4 Global warming or any of the thousand other worries that come under the environmental heading may or may not have a sound scientific basis , but subjective judgement is still required to determine what priority to give them , and what rules , actions and expenditure are justified to relieve them .
5 Jones further argues that if central government believes it can not or should not perform a particular public function , ‘ it would be better if it decentralised not to technocratic quangos but to directly elected local governments ’ .
6 It was rather like working out the details of one of her plots : circumstances capable of more than one interpretation ; actions which might or might not be innocent ; individuals who might or might not have a genuine motive , the means and opportunity to commit the crime .
7 Occasionally , Mr Landor would accuse her of stealing from him when he had mislaid a silver spoon or could not find a precious paperknife , but she had always treated these accusations with the contempt they deserved .
8 The form includes a declaration to be completed according to whether a survivor of the buyers can or can not give a valid receipt for purchase monies .
9 Postwar economic growth , especially in the past decade of celebration of free enterprise and markets , has generated a more or less universal acquisitiveness , and it is far from evident that in circumstances in which the desires which have been aroused can not be gratified , or their pursuit breeds disillusionment , socialism , historically grounded in the labour movement , does or can now provide a new direction .
10 And let's not forget a few failed attempts at making it in the movies along the way .
11 Alerted by her dulcet tones , a crowd began to gather outside a downtown boutique and May generously offered a few fashion tips to the throng .
12 This , admittedly , is a hard saying , and may well stir a first inkling that there must be something fundamentally wrong with the approach which has brought us to this point .
13 However , it is plain that the speaker of English , although he performs this general task reliably thousands of times a day , has no idea whatever how he does it , and may well have a healthy scepticism about proffered accounts in terms of linguistic or other rules .
14 They include such things as stock control , critical path analysis , and organiser programs — and may well have a major role to play in mathematics learning in the future .
15 Incorrect orientation may lead to the distortion of vault form , and may also give a wrong impression as to the morphology of a particular area .
16 Inactivation of the p53 pathway will result in the survival of cells exposed to mutagens , and may thus have a pivotal role in the development of cancer .
17 The problem of consistency of measurement techniques over a long period of time will have to be faced and may not have a satisfactory solution .
18 Schemes which place teachers into industry without adequate preparation or follow up usually offer little of lasting value and may even have a detrimental effect on the relationship between education and industry .
19 His opposition while in office was such that he was ousted — to run a technical publishing house — but he is still in his early fifties and may yet have a political future .
20 This effect is absent in patients with cystic fibrosis , who have impaired pancreatic HCO 3 - secretion and may possibly have a generalised defect in gastrointestinal HCO 3 - secretion .
21 Current research suggests that integrins are similarly located and may therefore provide a physical link between matrix and the cytoskeleton .
22 The existence of disability must be demonstrated and must also present a substantial handicap to the individual 's life .
23 Souness will deliver his final battle cry at the team hotel this afternoon , and must also solve a difficult goalkeeping dilemma .
24 Where an employer seeks to impose new terms , he necessarily faces the problem of the previously bargained contract of employment and must initially show a sound good business reason to justify the changes when dismissals resulting from refusals to accept them are assessed for their fairness .
25 Hence every society no matter how simple or complex must differentiate persons in terms of both prestige and esteem and must therefore possess a certain amount of institutionalised inequality ( Davis and Moore 1945 p. 243 ) .
26 An official report commissioned by Vice-President Dan Quayle and published on Dec. 11 advised that the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA ) should build no more space shuttles , and should instead develop a new fleet of unmanned rockets to place scientific payloads into orbit .
27 If these are present you will need a blood test from your doctor and should not start a special diet without checking with him or her first .
28 ‘ Both voters and candidates in the coming parliamentary elections in Jordan shoulder a grave responsibility and should therefore seek a true democratic rule based on the tenets of the constitution , avoiding rashness and extremism . ’
29 Patients referred from family practitioners are likely to be younger and might well have a different incidence of disease causing anaemia .
30 A test ban that could not inspire confidence would undermine stability and might even provoke a new arms race .
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