Example sentences of "[coord] [be] not a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although we 're working er all the time to keep security as tight as we can at the John Radcliffe , er the scheme is going to give us the ability to challenge members of staff , legitimate members of staff , as we currently do , er and they will then have to provide , produce the card , er so we can then assess whether they are or are not a member of staff .
2 Since there seems to be some doubt about the matter , it should be made clear that the High Court 's inherent jurisdiction in relation to children — the parens patriae jurisdiction — is equally exercisable whether the child is or is not a ward of court : see In re M. and N. ( Minors ) ( Wardship : Publication of Information ) [ 1990 ] Fam. 211 , 223G .
3 Following this , a single probe letter was presented to one or other visual half-field and the subject 's task was to respond , using the left hand , as fast as possible to indicate whether the visually presented letter was or was not a member of the auditorily presented memory set .
4 Abrashes are usually found in monadic and village items , where only small amounts of yarn can be dyed at any one time , and are not a sign of inadequate craftsmanship .
5 They represent the oesophageal body component of phase 3 of the migrating motor complex and are not a sign of oesophageal motor abnormalities .
6 There are of course the court of protection costs which are to be calculated and are not a source of disagreement .
7 So all their efforts to create helium from hydrogen hat been fruitless ; the traces of helium that they saw had been absorbed from the environment and were not a product of fusion .
8 A contract of barter , i.e. where goods are exchanged for other goods — lacks this element and is not a contract of sale .
9 In keeping with the analogy , Campbell holds that the variations are ‘ blind ’ — that we come up with a particular hypothesis is not determined by our current experience , is independent of whether the hypothesis is in fact going to prove true or successful , and is not a correction of previous unsuccessful hypotheses .
10 It seems to occur in some manufacturers ' products more than others , and is not a problem with ‘ safe ’ tools such as drills , but can be with bladed tools .
11 Accepting help thus does not entail an accumulation of debt nor does it imply subordination , and is not a route to subjugation .
12 Interestingly , the body is based in Bonn and is not a hangover from the days of the Honnecker regime in East Germany .
13 Interestingly , the body is based in Bonn and is not a hangover from the days of the Honnecker regime in East Germany .
14 the rationale for antitrust is essentially a device to provide legal checks to economic power , and is not a pursuit of economic efficiency as such .
15 The disease comes from within and is not a reaction to outside circumstances or people .
16 He had been fading from importance for some time , had been replaced as Unionist leader in the Lords by Curzon and was not a minister under Lloyd George .
17 But he said he was researching a television documentary on animal cruelty and was not a member of the ALF .
18 It first appeared in England in April 1852 and was not a success despite good reviews in trade journals .
19 A previous knowledge of computing may be of some advantage initially but is not a prerequisite for entry to the course .
20 Of course drugs is , is one of the wonderful examples that the very thing that Katherine was talking about , something that was n't there in the beginning and that has been produced by modern technology and is now a big problem , but is not a problem to Australian Aborigines because they do n't have any drugs er to speak of , of course now they do and alcohol is a terrible problem with Australian Aborigines I talked to David McKnight about it .
21 The editor passed the letter to a person whom he knew to be an ‘ outside broker ’ ( one who does Stock Exchange business but is not a member of the Exchange ) but whose honesty he had no reason to suspect .
22 The only person who approached me was poor Ian Smith , who came to London but was not a representative at the talks .
23 In the 1630s Pyne held minor offices in Somerset , but was not a JP until 1646 .
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