Example sentences of "[coord] [be] not the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No sector is immune from the problem although , fortunately , the reported scandals do appear to be relatively rare worst cases and are not the tip of some horrendous iceberg .
2 Spontaneous social orders , by contrast , are evolutionary in nature and are not the product of rational design .
3 According to Goody and Watt , the development of alphabetic script and its wide diffusion throughout society — the two criteria for ‘ literacy ’ as they mean it — happened independently within Greece and were not the result of cultural borrowing .
4 Looking across the " alley to the scars of North Hush , it seemed hard to believe that these deep gouges in the earth were manmade and were not the result of some massive upheaval in the earth 's crust .
5 Er would you not say that this has shifted the onus of responsibility very much on to the financial institutions , the banks and others who had dealings with Mr Maxwell , and is n't the judge in effect saying in your interpretation er of that , that these institutions er really have got to show they were whiter than white in their dealings and actually went in and investigated him thoroughly ?
6 And is n't the pitch of the roof rather higher nowadays ? ’
7 And is not the thought of , say , blue different from the thought of green in some way which we may one day be in a position to describe , just as we are now able to describe the causal conditions for the experience green which is different from the experience of blue ?
8 One might do things out of a self-loving pride , but this is not benevolence ; and though a benevolent person may gratify himself , this is not what he is aiming at , and is not the principle of his action .
9 And is not the Church of England the best of all Christian churches ?
10 The main grist to the mill of policing was working-class youth , but the perennial conflict between youth and the police is one with ever-changing persona and is not the basis of political conflict .
11 These findings indicate an increase in colonic permeability that most probably represents a change in mucosal barrier function depending on the presence of inflammation , and is not the result of a primary epithelial defect .
12 And is not the creation of a complementary marine park said to be imminent ?
13 The discovery was strictly in the tradition of Wright 's philosophy of seeking natural defences against infection , though Wright may have grieved because it was made by chance and was not the fruit of logical reasoning .
14 The car had the usual teething problems and was not the equal of either the Lotus or the Ferrari , and Jackie 's only victory of the year was at Barcelona .
15 They decided that he was only in it for himself and was not the sort of person the comrades wanted to have with them , and definitely not part of the consensus .
16 How could healing from a priest when I had no faith be of any assistance , and was n't the whole of that phoney world perfectly epitomized by the belief that the wanderings of an old man in the Oxfordshire lanes in the 1930s , seeking the energies of various plants , could possibly be relevant to a most dreaded disease ?
17 The cause of death will now be established by a home office pathologist : Friends of the dead woman say she doted on her two young children and was n't the sort of person to have contemplated suicide — the pathologist 's report will show whether or not that turns out to be true .
18 Social order from the perspective of cosmos is based on ‘ the discovery that there exist orderly structures which are the product of the action of many men but are not the result of human design ’ .
19 But are n't the rights of the individual being made subservient to the interests of the state ?
20 But are n't the wives of politicians chosen to be the perfect wife and therefore fully involved in what he does ?
21 The 1980 answers were referred to , at p. 619 , but were not the basis of the decision .
22 But is n't the middle of a recession a bad time to try and sell a business ?
23 ( But is n't the terror of expenditure without return the very epitome of bourgeois economic continence ? )
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