Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] it [vb past] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Society might judge that this severely reduced the welfare of citizens in remote areas or that it promoted regional dissent which reduced the sense of national unity .
2 Whether this means that life originated just once , or that it originated many times , each origin acquiring a different code , but that one origin gave rise to more successful competitors , we do not know .
3 A dismissal may be unfair either because it was procedurally arbitrary or because it lacked good cause .
4 I learnt , many years later , that they paid over £30 to have a book of poems printed , and that it sold two copies .
5 Samuel Hitching stated that he examined the Coffin carefully and that it had two canvas patches on where there were decayed places in the Wood — he also measured the thickness of the Board and they were only 5/8 of an inch at top and ½ an inch thick at the bottom — the lid was also warped that they could not screw it down properly-One of the bearers also stated that he was afraid it would fall in pieces before they got to the Church with it .
6 Gina 's friends told him that this was a ‘ personal canvas ’ and that it had more integrity than conventional beautified portraiture .
7 This meant both that the BBC itself was not to ‘ editorialize ’ about the news ( or ‘ matters of public policy ’ , as the Postmaster-General put it in 1927 ) and that it kept strict control over access to the airwaves .
8 Fujimori stated that the aid package did not address the all-round economic development needs of coca-growing areas , and that it victimized poor peasants who had no alternative but to grow coca crops .
9 It was already clear to Coleman from his analysis of the drugs-related intelligence coming out of Lebanon that the traditional heroin route to the US via Cyprus , Frankfurt and London was used regularly by both agencies , that the traffic was not always in narcotics and that it moved both ways .
10 The disadvantages of the Article were that it was perceived as dealing with ‘ representational ’ issues that were out of place in the Convention , that it undercut the position of non-liability of member States for treaties concluded by organisations , and that it placed excessive emphasis on the exceptional situation of the European Communities .
11 In it he said that the Scottish financial sector did nothing to help the country 's economy , that it benefited only a selected minority , and that it put little back into Scotland .
12 Cost her what it might , she would break off her engagement , and if it meant social ruin , so be it .
13 The commission would draft a new constitution to be put to a referendum , and if it won popular support , multiparty presidential and legislative elections would be held before the end of the year .
14 ‘ John 's method of working would be : ‘ Okay , this is in C , ’ and unless it had abnormal changes we just went for it .
15 And because it had that name she did n't link it up to other terms like masturbation or whatever .
16 the argument was continuous and as it developed both sides changed their positions .
17 He knew that the universe was complex but that it obeyed certain rules , although , she supposed , he would n't have used the word ‘ obey ’ with its implication of conscious choice .
18 He found first that ROI was remarkably stable over time at the company level , but that it showed considerable variation over time for individual businesses ( i.e. the SBUs ) .
19 By 1911 , when Italy 's newly launched first Dreadnought battleship was significantly named the Dante Alighieri , it claimed 50,000 members ; but although it enjoyed considerable official support it had little influence on government policy .
20 Wheat was favoured , not merely because of its immediate importance as a basic food , but because it demanded least capital and least care , even where it meant wretched cultivations : only one-tenth of the cereal secano was farmed in regular rotations of wheat and legumes ; a quarter was cultivated only once every six or ten years .
21 But while it proposed interim restrictions on the consumption of HCFCs — used for making foam insulation — it stepped back from proposing to outlaw their production in the EC , from where they could still be exported to developing countries as a substitute to the much more harmful CFCs ( chlorofluorocarbons ) in refrigerators and air conditioners .
22 Staff at Middlesbrough General Hospital at first tried to induce labour on January 31 but when it became clear Mrs Busuttil , now of West Drayton , London , was not in labour they discontinued their efforts .
23 He dispatched a police patrol car , but when it arrived 16 minutes later the telephone was swinging on the end of its cord .
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