Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] an [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Any party , including the guardian ad litem , may apply in writing for specific directions or for an existing direction to be varied or revoked .
2 As our awareness of this quality of light increases , we may perceive it as centring on another figure — an inner or outer ‘ Lady of Light ’ — or as an identifiable principle to which we can begin to relate .
3 She would go out then on a shopping expedition , or to do errands , or on an infrequent visit to one of her friends .
4 She travelled to the United States in 1893 , to the world fair in Chicago , the Columbian exposition , as a foreign correspondent for the Echo , and as an official delegate to the World 's Congress of Representative Women .
5 Plumb , though he mentions horse racing , with working-class spectators , and prize fighting , is really talking about a culture dependent on literacy , not about traditional sports , and about an added dimension to bourgeois life .
6 Given the size of the European constituencies , it will be difficult , if not impossible , for some candidates to become widely known and for an informed choice to be made .
7 Russia blundered into a conflict that was to have such serious consequences for the future of the Tsarist state and for an Asian challenge to occidental dominance .
8 A clear pattern was emerging and in 1930 Daugherty could say of RKO 's Framed that it offered ‘ cafes and apartments after the presently accepted modern mode ’ and ‘ police autos whining down crowded boulevards , whoopee scenes , police stuff at headquarters , third degree etc. , raids and shooting in equal number and of an equal excellence to many already exhibited ’ .
9 Reichenbach argued , also in support of ( a ) and with an ultimate view to ( b ) , that all indexicals involve an element of token-reflexivity , i.e. refer to themselves , so that , for example , I means " the person who is uttering this token of the word I " .
10 ‘ It is written with the truest feeling for the subject upon which he treats , as compared with the sublime and beautiful , and with an earnest recommendation to those who are about to improve real landscapes to study the paintings of old masters , ’ he wrote .
11 He capitalizes on this discovery by observing that certain editions of the English Primers from C.1530 onwards also contain Savonarola 's soliloquy on Psalm 1 , ‘ Infelix ego , thus supplying Byrd ( directly or indirectly ) both with his words and with an English ambience to an ostensibly purely foreign text that the composer exploited in his chosen manner of setting .
12 This period coincided with various socioeconomic advances which could also be usefully recorded , such as the change from horsepower to mechanisation and from an all-male workforce to a female civilian one .
13 This period coincided with various socioeconomic advances which could also be usefully recorded , such as the change from horsepower to mechanisation and from an all-male workforce to a female civilian one .
14 But the idea that in many of his works Shakespeare shows something exquisite or innocent threatened or crushed is not new : it is to be found in the writings of Hereward Price ( 1947 ) and in an ordinary introduction to Venus and Adonis .
15 Therefore share prices adjust instantaneously and in an unbiased manner to any piece of new information released to the market .
16 All that had its 1930s precursors , such as the early fiction of George Orwell and Graham Greene ; and in an open letter to Elizabeth Bowen , written several years before the Movement was ever heard of , Greene had remarked that the novelist has a simple duty to tell the truth and to get it right : ‘ By truth I mean accuracy — it is largely a matter of style ’ .
17 Cyclosporin A binds to the same region of CyP as a tetrapeptide substrate ( N- acetyl-Ala-Ala-Pro-Ala-amidomethylcoumarin ) , but in an opposite N- to C-terminal orientation ( Fig. 2 ) .
18 Accordingly , we can say that the academic community stands in a direct relationship to research but in an indirect relationship to higher education .
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